Je genereert elke week duizenden leads.
Honderden potentiële kopers en verkopers dienen het contactformulier op uw website in.
Je telefoon gaat continu over.
Je hebt duizenden mensen die zich bezighouden met je inhoud op sociale media.
Daar droomt toch iedere makelaar van?
Bij BIGVU zijn we getuige geweest van duizenden makelaars die hun KPI's behaalden door over te schakelen op videocontent.
We zeggen niet:het publiceren van hoogwaardige blogberichten, casestudy's, whitepapers en andere inhoudsformaten werkt niet. Maar voeg daar het element video aan toe - en misschien ziet u uitstekende resultaten.
We hebben onze briljante datawetenschapper Yoav gevraagd om gegevens van ons platform te verzamelen en te verzamelen om in 2022 diep in de staat van videomarketing voor onroerend goed te duiken.
En we zijn zo enthousiast om alles met je te delen.
Belangrijkste tips:
- Makelaars nemen gemiddeld meer dan tien video's per week op en bewerken ze, waarvan ze er gemiddeld drie per week uitrollen.
- De gemiddelde lengte van deze video's is 50 seconden.
- 75% van de vastgoedvideo's bevat ondertiteling.
- Slechts 7% van de videobewerkingsprocessen in onroerend goed omvat het vervangen van een groen scherm.
- Meer dan 67% van de bewerkingsprocessen bestond gemiddeld uit makelaars die hun persoonlijke merklogo toevoegden.
- Meer dan 26% van de videobewerkingsprocessen in onroerend goed omvatte het toevoegen van muziek aan de video's.
- Meer dan 35,6% van de video's wordt gedeeld via makelaars, gevolgd door 23% op YouTube, 19% op Facebook en 11,5% op WhatsApp.
- 72% van de video's is oorspronkelijk verticaal gefilmd.
Sta ons toe een diepgaand rapport te delen:
Makelaars nemen gemiddeld meer dan tien video's per week op en bewerken deze.
We kwamen erachter dat makelaars videobeesten zijn.
Ze houden van video's.

In feite nemen makelaars in onroerend goed gemiddeld ongeveer tien video's per week op en bewerken ze, waarvan ze gemiddeld drie video's uitrollen op verschillende sociale mediaplatforms.
De gemiddelde lengte van vastgoedvideo's is 50 seconden.

Makelaars in onroerend goed nemen niet echt video's van 20-25 minuten op en maken deze niet. In plaats daarvan houden ze het kort, eenvoudig en krachtig, met een gemiddelde lengte van deze video's van ongeveer 50 seconden.
75% van de vastgoedvideo's bevat ondertiteling.

Adding captions to your videos can help you remove any language barriers, ensure that people with hearing disabilities can understand your video, and make it easier for almost everyone to understand what you’re trying to convey.
What if you are talking too fast?
Or what if people in your neighborhood can’t understand your accent clearly?
That’s the reason 75% of real estate videos comprise captions.
7% of real estate video editing processes involve replacing a green screen.

Marvel movies wouldn’t have been as spectacular as they are today without green screens. Similarly, you can level up your videos by adding a green screen as background – which you can replace later with a professional background.
Using BIGVU, real estate agents can replace the green screen with a professional background. However, this feature is just limited to subscribers. Despite that, we wanted to share this stat with you – of all the videos created on BIGVU, only 7% of the editing processes involved replacing a green screen.
75% of real estate agents, on average, write down a script before recording a video.
If it’s your first time recording a video, there’s a high probability that you may feel nervous or may stutter. You may end up looking confused while talking to the camera. Worse – you may ruin the flow.
That’s the reason most real estate agents use BIGVU teleprompter to write down a script prior to recording a video.
You’ll be shocked to know that over 75% of real estate agents, on average, write down a script prior to recording a video.
Writing a script is super beneficial as it can help you head in the right direction, figure out the overall context of the video, convey a strong message, and most importantly, speak confidently.
67% of real estate video editing processes involve adding a brand logo.

More than 67% of editing processes, on average, comprised real estate agents adding their personal brand logo.
In today’s competitive space, personal branding is important. Building a strong personal brand is a great way to increase awareness and build trust. Adding your personal brand logo to your videos will help you be consistent with your personal branding efforts – and ensure that more and more people recognize your visual elements.
26% of real estate video editing processes include adding music to videos

Music can elevate a video – if added properly. On BIGVU, we allow our users to add music background to their videos at the click of a button from within our platform itself.
Over 26% of the editing processes included adding music to videos.
What Platforms Do Real Estate Agents Like Sharing Their Videos on the Most?

Usually, real estate agents share their videos via email directly. Over 35.6% of videos are shared via real estate agents via emails. On the other hand, about 23% of videos are shared on YouTube, 19% on Facebook, and 11.5% on WhatsApp.
72% of real estate videos are originally filmed vertically.

These days, people are crazy about vertical videos and like to watch TikTok, Reels, YouTube Shorts, and other forms of vertical video content all the time. Over 72% of videos, on average, are originally filmed vertically. Of all the videos filmed in vertical format, 78.5% stay vertical, whereas 15.4% are turned square, and 6% are turned horizontal.
Of all the videos that are recorded horizontally, 80% stay horizontal, 14.5% are turned square, and 5% are turned vertical.
Lastly, it’s important to note that over 20% of overall videos recorded on BIGVU are cropped.
Video marketing is on the rise. We’re seeing more and more realtors realizing the power of video content as there’s an exponential increase in the number of real estate agents spending their time and efforts on rolling out video content.
If you haven't tapped into the power of video content, you're probably missing out.
Use video to level up your marketing efforts today.