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22 beste webinar-softwareplatforms in 2022 [Toptools beoordeeld]

Het hosten van een live-evenement is een geweldige manier om contact te maken met je publiek en vertrouwen op te bouwen bij je klanten. Webinars kunnen voor van alles worden gebruikt, van live productdemo's en trainingen tot gastinterviews of webinarseries.

Webinar-software maakt het eenvoudig om live-evenementen uit te zenden naar uw publiek. Je kunt mensen uitnodigen om met je mee te doen, dia's en video's te presenteren, vragen te beantwoorden via de chat en meer.

U kunt het webinar zelfs opnemen, zodat u het na afloop van het evenement als bron op aanvraag kunt gebruiken. Webinar-softwareplatforms verschillen nogal per functieset en prijs, waardoor het moeilijk is om te weten waar te beginnen bij het zoeken naar een oplossing.

Daarom hebben we deze lijst samengesteld met de 21 beste webinartools in 2022. Ons doel is om u de informatie te geven die u nodig hebt om het juiste webinarplatform voor uw behoeften te kiezen. Elke oplossing is anders, dus we zullen ons concentreren op wat hen onderscheidt van elkaar en voor wie ze het meest geschikt zijn.

Beste webinar-softwareplatforms – Inleiding

Webinars zijn een uitstekende manier om uw publiek te betrekken bij een live videopresentatie. U kunt webinars voor een breed scala aan doeleinden gebruiken, variërend van onderwijs en training tot marketing en verkoop.

Het internet heeft het hosten van webinars eenvoudiger dan ooit gemaakt. Enkele decennia geleden moest je investeren in veel dure apparatuur om een ​​webinar te hosten. Maar nu kun je het allemaal online doen met alleen je computer en een stabiele internetverbinding.

U hoeft alleen de juiste webinarsoftware (of platform) te kiezen en u kunt aan de slag. Er zijn veel webinar-softwareplatforms, maar ze zijn niet allemaal gelijk gemaakt. Sommige zijn erg duur, terwijl andere niet veel bieden op het gebied van functies of bruikbaarheid.

Daarom is het belangrijk om te weten waar u op moet letten bij een webinar-softwareplatform, zodat u een weloverwogen keuze kunt maken wanneer het tijd is om er een voor uw bedrijf te selecteren.

Wat is de beste webinarsoftware?

Wat is de beste webinarsoftware?

Er zijn veel aanbieders van webinarsoftware op de markt en het kan moeilijk zijn om de beste te kiezen. Daarom hebben we een vergelijking gemaakt van enkele van de beste webinar-softwareprogramma's op de markt. Hier is wat informatie over functies, prijzen en klantenondersteuning om u te helpen beslissen welke geschikt is voor uw bedrijf.

Webinars zijn geweldig om contact te maken met uw publiek, naamsbekendheid op te bouwen en de verkoop te vergroten. Maar webinars zijn niet alleen meer om te verkopen.

Webinars zijn geweldig om nieuwe ideeën te presenteren, mensen te leren over uw branche of gewoon om een ​​gesprek te voeren met brancheleiders. Webinars worden vaak gezien als dure en gecompliceerde software die veel tijd kost om op te zetten. Hoewel dit in sommige gevallen waar is, zijn er tal van opties voor webinarsoftware die u gratis of tegen een kleine vergoeding kunt gebruiken.

In dit artikel gaan we kijken naar de beste webinarplatforms op de markt en ontdekken welke voor jou geschikt is.

1. Demio

Demio is een webinar-tool met mogelijkheden voor gesprekken en het genereren van leads. Zo werkt het:webinars met Demio zijn eenvoudig in te stellen en er zijn slechts twee stappen nodig om aan de slag te gaan. U kiest een datum en tijd voor uw webinar en past vervolgens uw registratiepagina aan met een verscheidenheid aan ontwerp- en merkopties.

Zodra de installatie is voltooid, kunt u uw webinar met één simpele klik testen en uitvoeren. Demio heeft verschillende functies om uw publiek voor, tijdens en na het evenement te betrekken. Met het platform kunt u peilingen, enquêtes, schermshares en Q&A's maken met realtime interactiemogelijkheden.

Tijdens het evenement kun je ook gamification-functies zoals quizzen en trivia-wedstrijden gebruiken om de betrokkenheid tot 50% te vergroten. Nadat het webinar is afgelopen, kunt u met Demio geautomatiseerde follow-up-e-mails verzenden op basis van gedragspatronen van deelnemers.

Je kunt ook een lijst met alle aanwezigen downloaden en opnamen van je evenementen downloaden voor toekomstig gebruik.


Hoogtepunten van de functie:– Geen downloads vereist voor deelnemers – Video- en audio delen – Maximaal 500 deelnemers per uitzending – Onbeperkte uitzendingen - Onbeperkte herhalingen – Onboarding, training en ondersteuningssessies – Scherm- en presentatie delen – Livechat en Q&A-modus met polls en enquêtes .- Aangepaste registratiepagina's en e-mailuitnodigingen.


Demio-voordelen:u kunt Demio eenvoudig integreren met een verscheidenheid aan andere platforms. Demio is gebouwd om goed te schalen met organisaties die regelmatig webinars hosten. U kunt de analyses van Demio gebruiken om het succes van uw webinar te meten.

De gebruikersinterface is eenvoudig en intuïtief om te navigeren. Demio heeft een automatische pilootfunctie waarmee u webinars kunt plannen en uitvoeren zonder dat u aanwezig hoeft te zijn. Nadelen van Demio:Het prijskaartje voor het meest eenvoudige abonnement van Demio kan voor sommige bedrijven te hoog zijn.

Het platform bevat geen e-mailmarketingfuncties, wat betekent dat u daarvoor ergens anders heen moet.

2. WebinarJam

Laten we eerlijk zijn:we hebben allemaal veel te doen op het werk. Dus het laatste wat je nodig hebt, is je dag storen om een ​​frustrerende webinar-service aan te pakken die niet presteert zoals geadverteerd.

We weten het, want we hebben ook met andere platforms gewerkt. Ze zijn niet leuk. Feit is dat de meeste webinar-services die er zijn gebouwd zijn op oude technologie en nauwelijks de stress van een enkele webinar aankunnen... laat staan ​​tienduizenden.

Bovendien vereisen velen dure maandelijkse kosten voor onbeperkte webinars en deelnemers die in de loop van de tijd kunnen oplopen. Daarom hebben we WebinarJam vanaf de grond opgebouwd op het uiterst schaalbare Hangouts-platform van Google om iedereen een webinar-oplossing te bieden:van de eenmanszaak tot ondernemingen op ondernemingsniveau.

En in tegenstelling tot onze concurrenten brengen we u geen extra kosten in rekening voor meer deelnemers of meer webinars - met slechts één vast tarief per maand kunt u een onbeperkt aantal live-evenementen organiseren met zoveel mensen als u wilt (of uw herhaling bekijkt).


WebinarJam is meer dan alleen een webinarplatform. Wij zijn de toonaangevende webinar-oplossing die is ontworpen om uw live-evenementen nog beter te maken, ongeacht hoe u ze wilt gebruiken. WebinarJam kan worden geïntegreerd met Google Hangouts, zodat je overal ter wereld en op elk moment kunt uitzenden.

U kunt ook uw eigen mobiele evenementen hosten en uitzenden. We weten dat elk bedrijf anders is. We bieden een selectie van plannen om aan uw behoeften te voldoen, of u nu een kleine vergadering wilt houden of een groot webinar voor duizenden deelnemers.


WebinarJam Pro's WebinarJam Pro is de volgende stap na WebinarJam en biedt een paar coole extra functies. Doelgroepgrootte:tot 5.000 deelnemers, zonder limiet voor gelijktijdige webinars.

Lengte webinar:Maximaal 6 uur. Video-indeling:Webinar-replay kan worden gedownload in MP4- of AVI-indeling. Greenroom-functie:nu kunt u andere presentatoren uitnodigen in een privé virtuele ruimte waar ze kunnen chatten en zich kunnen voorbereiden voordat ze live gaan.

YouTube Live-integratie:Zend uw webinars tegelijkertijd live uit op YouTube en op Facebook. Transcriptieservice:ontvang uw webinar-transcriptie om te gebruiken als blogpost of autoresponderserie via e-mail nadat uw evenement voorbij is. WebinarJam kan worden geïntegreerd met Rev-transcriptieservices (prijzen beginnen bij $ 1 per minuut).

3. WebinarNinja

Hallo, wij zijn WebinarNinja en we hebben naar uw website gekeken. We zijn een webinarplatform dat heel snel groeit en we bouwen onze contentmarketingstrategie voor 2017 uit.

We hebben gemerkt dat je een paar blogartikelen over webinars hebt en we dachten dat je misschien geïnteresseerd zou zijn om een ​​interview met ons te doen om webinars vanuit jouw perspectief te bespreken. U kunt hier voorbeelden zien van het type inhoud dat we produceren: Het zou ongeveer 30 minuten duren via Skype en we zouden het publiceren op onze blog, sociale media en e-mailnieuwsbrief. Ik stuur u graag enkele voorbeeldvragen door als u geïnteresseerd bent. Zo niet, geen zorgen! We blijven je werk met belangstelling volgen!

WebinarNinja is een krachtig, betrouwbaar en gebruiksvriendelijk webinarplatform. We werken met duizenden livestreamers, webinar-hosts en organisatoren van seminars om hen te helpen hun e-maillijsten te laten groeien, leads te genereren en verkopen te realiseren.

We bieden een reeks functies om u te helpen meer mensen naar uw webinars te trekken, hen betrokken te houden tijdens het evenement en bezoekers om te zetten in klanten. We weten dat ons succes wordt aangedreven door uw succes. Daarom zetten we ons volledig in om u klantenondersteuning van wereldklasse te bieden en u te voorzien van alle middelen die u nodig hebt om succesvolle webinars te houden.


WebinarNinja biedt een volledige reeks webinar-marketingtools en -functies die het gemakkelijk maken om een ​​live of geautomatiseerd webinar-evenement te organiseren. Als je deelneemt aan WebinarNinja, kun je:Webinars hosten met maximaal 5.000 deelnemers Leads verzamelen met een aanpasbaar registratieformulier Je webinar-speler aanpassen met je logo en kleuren.

Stuur gerichte herinneringen en follow-ups naar deelnemers en registranten Stream live video vanaf uw webcam of mobiele apparaat Deel uw scherm, voeg polls en enquêtes toe tijdens het webinar, verzend bestanden en meer! Bied live chatondersteuning tijdens uw webinars Neem uw webinars op om ze on demand af te spelen*.


Met WebinarNinja Pro kunt u:webinars plannen en uitvoeren voor maximaal 10.000 aanwezigen onbeperkte webinar-trechters maken toegang krijgen tot de webinar-chatbox waarmee u vragen kunt modereren, herinneringen kunt verzenden en uw merk kunt promoten

Pas uw registratiepagina aan met uw branding en inhoud Gebruik onze autoresponder voor e-mail om pre-webinar-e-mails, post-webinar-e-mails en lijst-e-mails te verzenden

4. GoToWebinar

Het GoToWebinar-platform maakt het eenvoudig om uw publiek te bereiken en webinars te leveren die resultaten opleveren. Kies een boeiend onderwerp, nodig gastsprekers uit en voeg polls en enquêtes toe voor echt interactieve presentaties.

Je kunt je bezoekers zelfs visueel verwennen door je scherm of softwareapplicaties te delen. Met ingebouwde VOIP-audio en de mogelijkheid om via de telefoon in te bellen voor wie dat wil, maakt GoToWebinar het gemakkelijk om overal en met iedereen verbinding te maken.

Of je nu nieuw bent met webinars of een ervaren veteraan, je vindt de functies die je nodig hebt om enthousiasme te genereren, de verkoop te stimuleren en keer op keer resultaten te leveren.

Het hosten van een webinar is een effectieve manier om uw publiek te bereiken, leads te genereren en de verkoop te stimuleren. Maar het proces van het maken van een webinar - van planning tot promotie tot uitzending - is altijd complex geweest.

Met GoToWebinar kan iedereen gemakkelijk een webinar maken dat resultaten oplevert. Vanuit onze eenvoudige, intuïtieve interface kun je je evenement snel plannen en promoten, en vervolgens uitzenden vanaf elke locatie of elk apparaat. GoToWebinar zorgt voor al het andere, zodat u zich kunt concentreren op wat het belangrijkst is:het genereren van gekwalificeerde leads en het opbouwen van betekenisvolle relaties met uw publiek.


GoToWebinar maakt het gemakkelijk om uw publiek te bereiken en webinars te leveren die resultaten opleveren. Kies een boeiend onderwerp, nodig gastsprekers uit en voeg polls en enquêtes toe voor echt interactieve presentaties.

Organiseer grote evenementen voor maximaal 1.000 deelnemers en maximaal 100 panelleden met de webinarsoftware van GoToWebinar. Aangepaste branding zorgt ervoor dat uw evenement een consistent uiterlijk heeft, terwijl onze HD-video en audio iedereen betrokken houden.

Met GoToWebinar kun je eenvoudig je webinars opzetten, leveren en monitoren. Onze webinarsoftware past zich aan uw behoeften aan, of het nu gaat om een ​​kleine interne vergadering of een bedrijfsbreed evenement. Sluit u aan bij de duizenden bedrijven die GoToWebinar gebruiken voor hun webinarsoftwarebehoeften.


GoToWebinar Pro's Het GoToMeeting-platform is technisch solide, kan het aantal deelnemers aan dat u nodig heeft en biedt een breed scala aan functies. De vergaderinterface is professioneel en gemakkelijk te navigeren, waardoor uw webinar professioneler lijkt.

GoToMeeting biedt een gratis proefperiode, dus u hoeft niets te riskeren om te zien of het aan uw behoeften kan voldoen. De service heeft een goede reputatie bij zowel zijn gebruikers als zijn concurrenten.

5. LiveWebinar

LiveWebinar is 's werelds toonaangevende webinarsoftware die een breed scala aan functies en hulpmiddelen biedt om u te helpen uw publiek te betrekken en te converteren. De functies van LiveWebinar omvatten:Webinar-opnamefunctie voor afspelen op aanvraag. Deze functie kun je gebruiken om je live webinars op te nemen zodat mensen die er niet bij konden zijn toch kunnen zien of als je het zelf wilt terugkijken.

Livechatfunctie om met uw publiek te communiceren. U kunt deze functie ook gebruiken om vragen te beantwoorden van degenen die uw webinar bekijken. Sluit registratieformulieren in op pagina's of blogberichten.

Dit is geweldig als je een evenement organiseert of wilt dat mensen zich aanmelden voor iets specifieks dat betrekking heeft op wat ze op het werk doen (bijvoorbeeld een training). De reputatie van uw merk is een centraal onderdeel van zijn identiteit.

Als mensen aan uw bedrijf of product denken, wat associëren ze er dan mee? De kwaliteit van uw klantervaring kan een grote impact hebben op hoe uw merk wordt waargenomen.

Een goede reputatie kan leiden tot meer klanten, meer omzet en meer winstgevendheid. Het kan het ook gemakkelijker maken om kapitaal aan te trekken en zelfs beter talent aan te trekken.


Webcam Broadcasting LiveWebinar maakt het makkelijk voor webinars om interactief te zijn. We staan ​​maximaal 10 mensen toe om video uit te zenden in een webinar en we ondersteunen elke computer of mobiel apparaat met webcam. Je bezoekers zullen je kristalhelder zien, zelfs als je onderweg bent.

Scherm delen Of u nu een diavoorstelling presenteert of uw deelnemers laat zien hoe ze software moeten gebruiken, de functie voor het delen van schermen van LiveWebinar maakt het gemakkelijk voor uw deelnemers om mee te volgen. Je kunt een heel scherm delen of een specifiek venster kiezen.

Telefoonaudio Als u liever geen VoIP gebruikt, kan LiveWebinar u inbellen op onze teleconferentieservice waar u alleen met uw telefoon kunt spreken en luisteren. Webinar-deelnemers die geen microfoons hebben, kunnen ook deelnemen met deze functie.

Desktop Sharing Als u vertrouwelijke informatie heeft die u niet op uw primaire monitor wilt weergeven, kunt u met LiveWebinar alle monitors op uw computer delen met uw deelnemers.

Ze zullen alles zien alsof ze over je schouder meekijken, maar je kunt informatie privé houden die privé moet blijven.


Voordelen:LiveWebinar is een geweldige tool voor het bedrijf en het marketingteam om te gebruiken. Het helpt ons om webinars te maken waar we veel mensen kunnen bereiken

  1. De functies van LiveWebinar zijn erg handig als het gaat om het maken van boeiende inhoud voor onze kijkers. We hebben deze functies gebruikt voor onze eigen training en voor het bereiken van klanten/prospects/andere teams binnen ons bedrijf.
  2. Het beste van LiveWebinar is dat het heel gemakkelijk te gebruiken is en dat er veel functies beschikbaar zijn die het erg handig maken voor ons wanneer we iets specifieks nodig hebben. De gebruikersinterface van LiveWebinar is heel eenvoudig en intuïtief, waardoor het gemakkelijk is om navigeer door alle tools en functies die door deze softwareoplossing worden aangeboden.
  3. Een ding dat ik het leukst vind aan LiveWebinar, is hoe goed doordacht alles is - van het opstartproces via instellingsopties (inclusief automatisch afspelen bij inloggen) tot het opnemen van afspeeltijden (met de mogelijkheid om vooruit of achteruit te springen).
  4. /li>

6. EverWebinar

Wat is EverWebinar?

EverWebinar is een cloudgebaseerde oplossing waarmee u geautomatiseerde webinars kunt houden met dezelfde look en feel als een live webinar. Neem uw webinar eenmalig op, stel het in op een specifieke datum en tijd en laat de software het voor u automatiseren.

EverWebinar is perfect voor professionals die educatieve inhoud aan hun publiek willen bieden en tegelijkertijd hoogwaardige mogelijkheden voor het genereren van leads willen creëren. EverWebinar is cloudgebaseerde software voor het automatiseren van webinars waarmee u uw live webinars kunt automatiseren en groenblijvende webinars kunt maken.

Met deze service kunt u de betrokkenheid bij uw publiek vergroten en meer verkopen terwijl u slaapt. Met EverWebinar kunt u onbeperkt geautomatiseerde webinars maken. Je kunt de videospeler ook aanpassen en een call-to-action toevoegen.

Bovendien kunt u kiezen uit een reeks registratiepagina's en deze aanpassen aan uw behoeften. Je kunt zelfs een pre-webinar e-mailreeks instellen voor registranten en follow-up-e-mails naar genodigden automatiseren.

Belangrijkste kenmerken van EverWebinar Geautomatiseerde webinars Evergreen webinars Aanpasbare videospelerweergave Countdown Timer Videochatbox Aanpasbare registratiepagina's Pre-webinar e-mailvolgorde voor registranten Geautomatiseerde follow-up e-mails naar genodigden


EverWebinar zit boordevol functies die u zullen helpen meer waarde aan uw publiek te leveren en uw bedrijfsresultaten te verhogen. Geautomatiseerd webinarplatform Maak geautomatiseerde webinars van elk eerder opgenomen live webinar. Stel gewoon de datum en tijd in en EverWebinar doet de rest!

Realtime analyse van deelnemers Gebruik realtime analyses om bezoekersaantallen bij te houden, te zien wie er is afgehaakt en uw webinar te optimaliseren om deelnemers betrokken te houden. Livechatondersteuning Betrek uw deelnemers bij het beantwoorden van vragen in de livechat tijdens het webinar en zorg voor hogere conversies.


EverWebinar-professionals Hier zijn een paar redenen waarom EverWebinar het beste webinarplatform is dat u vandaag kunt gebruiken:het kan geld verdienen terwijl u slaapt. Het EverWebinar-platform kan worden gebruikt om uw webinars te automatiseren. U kunt uw webinar zo programmeren en plannen dat deze 24/7 automatisch wordt uitgevoerd, zodat u niet 's avonds laat opblijft of midden in de nacht wakker wordt en uw computer aanzet om alleen maar geld te verdienen.

Het is 100% mobielvriendelijk. EverWebinar is volledig responsief, wat betekent dat het er op elk apparaat goed uitziet, zelfs op mobiele telefoons, tablets en andere draagbare apparaten. Bovendien speelt het goed met alle belangrijke webbrowsers, inclusief Chrome, Firefox, Safari en de rest.

Het beschikt over Live Chat Moderatie. EverWebinar beschikt ook over een live chat-moderatiesysteem waarmee u chatsessies kunt modereren tijdens een geautomatiseerde webinarpresentatie met behulp van een intuïtieve interface.

Deze functie wordt geleverd met vooraf goedgekeurde berichten voor eenvoudig chatbeheer en voor het verwijderen van ongepaste berichten die uw publiek mogelijk kunnen irriteren. En je hebt ook de mogelijkheid om de chatfunctie helemaal uit te schakelen bij het modereren van een live webinar-sessie voor verhoogde productiviteit en efficiëntie

7. Rivieroever

Riverside is een stad in Riverside County, Californië, Verenigde Staten, gelegen in het grootstedelijk gebied van het Inland Empire. Riverside is de provinciehoofdstad van het gelijknamige graafschap en is genoemd naar de ligging naast de Santa Ana-rivier.

Het is de dichtstbevolkte stad in het Inland Empire en in Riverside County, en ligt ongeveer 89 km ten oosten van het centrum van Los Angeles. Het maakt ook deel uit van de regio Greater Los Angeles.

Riverside is de 59e meest bevolkte stad in de Verenigde Staten en de 12e meest bevolkte stad in Californië. Vanaf de volkstelling van 2010 had Riverside 303.871 inwoners.

Riverside werd opgericht in de vroege jaren 1870. Het is de geboorteplaats van de Californische citrusindustrie en de thuisbasis van de Mission Inn, het grootste Mission Revival Style-gebouw in de Verenigde Staten. [nodig citaat] Het is ook de thuisbasis van de Riverside National Cemetery.

De University of California, Riverside, ligt in het noordoostelijke deel van de stad. De universiteit herbergt ook het Riverside Sports Complex. Andere attracties in Riverside zijn onder meer het Fox Performing Arts Center, het Riverside Metropolitan Museum, waar tentoonstellingen en kunstvoorwerpen uit de lokale geschiedenis te zien zijn, het California Museum of Photography, het California Citrus State Historic Park, [9] en de Parent Washington Navel Orange


Riverside is een rivierstadje. De vele parken en paden bieden een prachtig uitzicht op de rivier de Des Moines. De stadsparken aan de rivier hebben boothellingen, vissteigers, picknickplaatsen en speeltuinen.

In 2008 werd Riverside door de Arbor Day Foundation aangewezen als Tree City USA-gemeenschap als erkenning voor de inzet van de stad voor stedelijk bosbeheer. Riverside is de thuisbasis van de historische Noce Jazz Club, waar elke woensdag tot en met zaterdagavond live jazz wordt gehouden.


We zijn een team van professionals die experts zijn in alles wat met Riverside Pros te maken heeft, en we hebben deze site gemaakt om onze kennis met u te delen. We hebben een reeks bronnen samengesteld waar elke expert trots op zou zijn, waaronder:Een stadsgids met een lijst met aan Riverside Pros gerelateerde bezienswaardigheden, restaurants, hotels en meer.

Productrecensies voor de beste Riverside Pro's op de markt. Advies om u te helpen het meeste uit uw Riverside Pro's te halen. Als u meer wilt weten over Riverside Pros, is er geen betere plek om te beginnen dan door onze handleidingen te lezen en enkele van onze aanbevolen producten uit te proberen.

8. Livestorm

Livestorm, het alles-in-één webinarplatform, wordt gebruikt door 's werelds snelstgroeiende B2B-bedrijven, die gemiddeld 200% meer webinarbezoekers hebben en 300% meer geregistreerden nadat ze zijn overgestapt op Livestorm.

Met onze intuïtieve, gebruiksvriendelijke interface en ingebouwde automatiseringstools kun je in minder dan een dag aan de slag met Livestorm. En met onze integraties met tools zoals Hubspot, Marketo, Salesforce, Zapier en meer, kunnen uw marketing- en verkoopteams slimmer en sneller werken - niet harder.

Livestorm is cloudgebaseerde webinarsoftware waarmee u uw webinars kunt maken, hosten en analyseren. U kunt in 2 minuten een webinar opzetten en deelnemers uitnodigen per e-mail of via aangepaste registratieformulieren.

Livestorm integreert met Slack, Hipchat en Intercom om u te helpen uw webinar intern te promoten. Zodra uw webinar voorbij is, biedt Livestorm geavanceerde analyses om het succes ervan te meten. Livestorm is krachtige webinarsoftware. Met Livestorm kun je met één klik live gaan, je webinars van tevoren plannen en ze gemakkelijk automatiseren.

Je kunt ook je registraties beheren, herinneringen en follow-ups sturen om je deelnemers te betrekken. Bovendien biedt Livestorm de beste bezoekerservaring door hen verschillende functies aan te bieden, zoals chatten, hand opsteken en videostreaming.

Livestorm biedt ook een uitgebreid analysedashboard waarmee u de prestaties van uw webinars kunt meten.


Livestorm-functies Live videoconferentie Host online vergaderingen en webinars live met maximaal 1000 deelnemers. Video Streaming Stream uw evenement of webinar live op uw website of Facebook-pagina. Webinar Hosting Host live webinars met schermdeling, automatische e-mails en polls.

Cloud Recording Neem uw webinars en online vergaderingen op in de cloud. Deel de herhaling. Livechat met moderators Beheer chatberichten om de betrokkenheid tijdens uw evenementen en webinars te vergroten. Aangepaste branding Pas alles aan:e-mails, registratiepagina's, bestemmingspagina's, videoconferentieruimte.


Livestorm is een alles-in-één webinar-oplossing waarmee je gemakkelijk professionele webinar-campagnes kunt maken. Als je momenteel Zoom gebruikt, maar op zoek bent naar manieren om je webinar-ervaring te verbeteren, dan is Livestorm een ​​goede keuze.

Het biedt een indrukwekkend aantal functies en heeft een eenvoudige prijsstructuur. Je kunt kiezen uit twee abonnementen:Standard en Pro. Het Standard-abonnement kost $ 50 per maand en het Pro-abonnement kost $ 100 per maand.

Met beide abonnementen kunt u tot 100 deelnemers aan uw webinars hosten. Of u kiest voor het Standard- of Pro-abonnement, hangt af van de functies die u nodig hebt. Livestorm biedt twee mobiele apps:één voor Android-gebruikers en één voor iOS-gebruikers.

Met deze apps kunnen deelnemers rechtstreeks vanaf hun slimme apparaten deelnemen aan live webinars, wat een enorm pluspunt is.

9. Zoho-vergadering

Zoho Meeting is software voor onlinevergaderingen en webconferenties voor zakelijke samenwerking. Het helpt je om direct contact te maken met je team en klanten van overal ter wereld, zonder dat je software of plug-ins hoeft te downloaden.

Zoho Meeting is een 100% browsergebaseerde applicatie die op elk besturingssysteem kan worden gebruikt. Het enige dat u nodig hebt, is een computer met een webcam, microfoon en internetverbinding om aan de slag te gaan. U kunt vergaderingen organiseren met maximaal 25 deelnemers per vergadering

Een vergadering hosten Volg de onderstaande stappen om een ​​vergadering als gastheer te hosten:Ga naar de startpagina van Zoho Meeting. Klik op Start mijn gratis proefperiode. Voer uw naam, e-mailadres en wachtwoord in om u te registreren voor het Zoho Meeting-account.

Zoho Meeting is een gratis oplossing voor webconferenties en online vergaderen van Zoho. Deze webbased oplossing kan gebruikt worden voor online meetings, demonstraties, webinars en online trainingen. U kunt ook online presentaties en verkoopdemo's houden.

Met Zoho Meeting kunt u gratis audioconferenties houden met maximaal zes deelnemers. U kunt uw videoconferenties ook opnemen om ze later te raadplegen en af ​​te spelen.


Zoho Meeting is een tool voor webconferenties waarmee u in realtime online kunt samenwerken met uw collega's, klanten en prospects. Zoho Meeting biedt de beste technologie voor webconferenties.

Direct vergaderen Vergaderen via internet was nog nooit zo eenvoudig! Ga naar uw account, klik op 'vergadering starten' en nodig anderen uit om deel te nemen aan uw conferentie. U kunt vergaderingen ook van tevoren of direct plannen met behulp van uw directe vergaderlink. Klik hier voor meer informatie over het plannen van een vergadering.

Webinars Houd seminars of presenteer voor een groot publiek door webinars te organiseren met Zoho Meeting. U kunt uw webinars promoten op sociale media, ze insluiten op uw blog/website of e-mailuitnodigingen sturen naar deelnemers. Klik hier voor meer informatie over het geven van webinars.

Scherm delen Met Zoho Meeting kunt u uw scherm delen met deelnemers, zodat ze kunnen zien wat u allemaal deelt zonder software te hoeven downloaden. Deze functie is handig wanneer u tijdens een sessie een presentatie weergeeft, samenwerkt aan een document of door een webpagina navigeert.

Klik hier voor meer informatie over het delen van uw scherm met deelnemers. Toepassingen delen Met Zoho Meeting kunt u elke toepassing die op uw computer is geïnstalleerd delen met deelnemers, zoals bijvoorbeeld


Zoho Meeting Pros is de meest voordelige manier om toegang te krijgen tot de volledige toolset van Zoho Meeting. Als u op zoek bent naar een goede prijs, dat is het! Als je meer functies nodig hebt, bekijk dan Zoho Meeting Premium. Alle abonnementen worden geleverd met een gratis proefperiode en kunnen op elk moment worden geannuleerd.

Zoho Meeting Pro $ 9/maand tot 20 deelnemers* Onbeperkte vergaderingen 10 GB Cloudopslag Scherm delen Chatpods en peilingen Opnamen (12 uur)**.

10. BlueJeans

De videoconferentieservice van BlueJeans is een van de bekendste ter wereld. De software werkt op elk apparaat en het cloudgebaseerde systeem vereist geen downloads omdat het HTML 5 gebruikt.

De service van BlueJeans begint bij $ 9,99 per maand per host voor maximaal 50 deelnemers, inclusief het delen van schermen en het opnemen van vergaderingen. Met dit abonnement kun je niet deelnemen aan een vergadering vanaf een telefoon of uitbellen naar een vaste of mobiele telefoon.

Voor de mogelijkheid om via de telefoon naar vergaderingen te bellen of uit te bellen, rekent BlueJeans $ 15 per maand per host. Het omvat alles in het basisplan en verhoogt de deelnemerslimiet tot 75. BlueJeans is 's werelds toonaangevende leverancier van interoperabele videocommunicatie, waardoor video overal beschikbaar is.

Het BlueJeans-platform verbindt deelnemers via een breed scala aan apparaten en vergaderplatforms en overbrugt de kloof tussen desktops en mobiele apparaten. BlueJeans brengt video naar je toe, waar je ook bent, zodat je nooit meer een vergadering of belangrijk moment hoeft te missen.

Nu kunnen organisaties afscheid nemen van frustrerende telefoontjes en hallo tegen face-to-face samenwerking vanaf elk apparaat, altijd en overal. BlueJeans maakt het organisaties gemakkelijk om video te gebruiken om meer te doen dan ze ooit voor mogelijk hadden gehouden.


De interoperabele oplossing van BlueJeans werkt met duizenden vergaderruimtesystemen en persoonlijke apparaten. Dat maakt het gemakkelijk om overal aan een vergadering deel te nemen of een vergadering te hosten. Bovendien werkt het op uw favoriete mobiele en desktopplatforms, zodat u uw uitrustingsstukken overal mee naartoe kunt nemen.

Alles-in-één videosamenwerking die eenvoudig, betrouwbaar en toegankelijk is vanaf elk apparaat. BlueJeans Meetings biedt u de hoogste kwaliteit audio, video, schermdeling en contentdeling in een eenvoudige, betrouwbare cloudservice.

Met één klik kan iedereen deelnemen aan uw BlueJeans Meeting vanaf bijna elke telefoon, tablet of computersysteem. Er zijn geen downloads of speciale apps vereist. Geplande vergaderingen Vergaderingen met één klik Directe vergaderingen Vergaderingen onderweg Audioconferenties


11. Mijn eigen conferentie

BlueJeans Pros is een groep gepassioneerde, toegewijde professionals die zich richten op het helpen van bedrijven om het volledige potentieel van BlueJeans te ontsluiten. Als uw vertrouwde adviseurs voor BlueJeans-producten kunnen we u helpen bij het plannen en implementeren van uw netwerk en ervoor zorgen dat u vanaf dag 1 de beste ervaring heeft.

We zijn er om u te helpen uw videoconferentieservice in de hele onderneming te schalen. Als BlueJeans Pro-lid ontvangt u:Een welkomstpakket* Toegang tot online bronnen* Kortingen op aankopen van kamersystemen en onderhoudsdiensten* Gratis training voor eindgebruikers*Directe toegang tot ons team van experts Driemaandelijkse webinars met opinieleiders uit de sector.


We hebben veel ideeën en werken aan uitbreiding van de functionaliteit van OwnConference. We willen u een samenvatting geven van wat we tot nu toe hebben gedaan en wat we van plan zijn te doen. Deelnemers kunnen vanuit de browser deelnemen aan conferenties, het is niet nodig om applicaties of plug-ins te installeren!

U kunt uw eigen telefoonnummer gebruiken om conferenties te hosten. U hoeft geen andere nummers te onthouden! De organisator van de conferentie kan deze alleen starten door een speciale code in te voeren, die via sms of e-mail wordt verzonden.

Alle gegevens worden versleuteld tijdens verzending en opslag. Je oproepen en berichten zijn beschermd!


Mijn eigen conferentieprofessionals

  • Ik kan mijn eigen huis gebruiken om een ​​groot evenement te organiseren en geld te besparen op het huren van de plaats. Er zijn geen afleidingen, ik kan me volledig op mijn taak concentreren; Ik kan mijn vrienden uitnodigen als spreker; I can make all the decisions about the menu and choose for myself what is good for me.

12. EasyWebinar

Increase Your Revenue with Webinars

EasyWebinar is the most powerful and flexible webinar platform on the market. We are the only platform that offers a full suite of marketing tools for your webinar including automated email sequences, and landing pages with built in conversion optimization.

With EasyWebinar you can run live webinars and automated webinars using the same software. No coding required. With EasyWebinar you can:Generate leads and sales 24/7 Automatically send follow up emails to registrants and attendees Embed registration forms on any website or landing page.

Easily sell products to attendees either during or after your webinar Increase Your Revenue with Webinars EasyWebinar is the most powerful and flexible webinar platform on the market. We are the only platform that offers a full suite of marketing tools for your webinar including automated email sequences, and landing pages with built in conversion optimization.

With EasyWebinar you can run live webinars and automated webinars using the same software. No coding required. With EasyWebinar you can:Generate leads and sales 24/7 Automatically send follow up emails to registrants and attendees Embed registration forms on any website or landing page.

Easily sell products to attendees either during or after your webinar


EasyWebinar Features

EasyWebinar was built to be completely different than the traditional webinar platforms out there. Everything within EasyWebinar is focused on maximizing conversions. You will see this in the many features we provide.

A few of our key features include:An on-demand library to collect leads and increase conversions (no other platform has this) All communication with your attendees is automated, so you can focus on other things.

Mobile responsive design that shows beautifully on any device All the features you expect from a robust webinar platform like polls, Q&A, live video, etc. And much more …


EasyWebinar Pros Easy to use Easywebinar is built for ease of use and has most of the features that would require you to sign up for another service. You can make use of full video automation, plus several other features. The platform is easy to navigate and comes with a lot of tutorials.

Affordable pricing Easywebinar pricing is based on the number of webinar attendees. This makes it more affordable than other options like GoToWebinar. Highly customizable webinars The platform allows you to customize the look and feel of your webinars. You can add custom CSS and HTML codes.

You can also choose from a variety of templates depending on your business needs. Possibility to create automated webinars With Easywebinar, you can create both live and automated webinars. Automated webinars allow you to create highly optimized sales funnels that convert visitors into leads and leads into customers.

With this feature, you can target different audiences at different times until they are ready to buy or take action.

13. ClickMeeting

ClickMeeting is an easy-to-use, all-in-one platform for hosting webinars and online meetings. From the moment you open your account, we’re there to help you every step of the way. Start by registering an account and launching your first meeting.

During each step of the process, you can consult with our support team using chat or phone. They are always available when you need them! If you have any questions about ClickMeeting or would like to see it in action, contact us at our toll-free number 1 888 699 2066 or by email at [email protected].

ClickMeeting is webinar software for online presentations, webinars, trainings and conferences. ClickMeeting allows you to host webinars with up to 25 participants and unlimited viewers, who can join from anywhere in the world.

It provides easy-to-use tools and features that make it simple to create an engaging webinar and reach your audience. ClickMeeting allows you to host live meetings in minutes, deliver on-demand training sessions or organize a video conference with multiple participants.


ClickMeeting provides all the tools you need to host a successful online meeting. Here are just some of our most popular features. Private branding You can create a consistent and professional experience for your attendees by adding your company logo, brand colors, and an email signature to all your emails, invitations, and even the event room itself. And it’s easy, too — no coding skills required!

24/7 tech support Our dedicated team of customer support specialists is available around the clock via phone, chat, or ticket system to help you with any questions or issues that might arise during the event. Automatic recording and transcription Recordings of your webinars can be automatically saved to your computer in MP4 format as soon as they end.

You can also have them transcribed into text so that you can easily find a certain part of your presentation or create a blog post based on what was said during the meeting. Social media integration Invite more people to join your online meetings by promoting them on social media directly from ClickMeeting! You can share posts to Facebook and Twitter right after scheduling your meeting or before starting the event. The links will lead directly to the registration form, making it easy for attendees to sign up.


ClickMeeting is an online meeting and webinar tool that you can use to hold meetings, give presentations or share your screen with up to 25 people simultaneously. It’s a full-featured tool that includes video conferencing, conference calling, desktop sharing and online whiteboard.

ClickMeeting Pros Video conferencing with up to 100 participants. Conference calling for up to 500 attendees. Online whiteboard for brainstorming. Screen sharing for presentations. Recording and playback of sessions.Customizable registration pages for event promotion.

14. BigMarker

BigMarker is the largest webinar platform on the planet. We have more than 12,000 users across 110 countries. Our mission is to help people share their knowledge with others online. And we’re looking for a content marketer to help us do just that.

We’re looking for someone who can write blog posts, email newsletters and other pieces that show our expertise and help our customers succeed. BigMarker is a webinar and training platform that enables organizations to connect with their audiences in an interactive, video-first environment. BigMarker’s live events are optimized for engagement, with features like Q&A, real-time polls and audience hand raising.

BigMarker makes it easy to create on-demand learning programs. Users can upload any content type and deliver it in a branded, personalized environment. The platform’s tracking capabilities enable organizations to monitor progress and completion rates.


BigMarker is a web-based platform that enables you to host interactive webinars and online conferences. No downloads are required, it runs on Flash and HTML5, and supports up to 1,000 attendees per event.

Here’s a look at some of BigMarker’s best features

Interactive Live Events. With BigMarker you can make your webinars more engaging by enabling features like polls, Q&A sessions, group chat, collaboration tools, private chat and more. You can host panel discussions as well.

Live Streaming. You can also broadcast your live events to Facebook Live and YouTube Live with BigMarker. On-Demand Viewing. After an event has ended, your viewers can still access recordings of your past live events anytime they want.

Branded Meeting Space. Customize the theme of your webinar room with your brand colors and logo to give it a more professional look with the BigMarker Branded Meeting Space feature.


What is BigMarker Pro? Now you can get more out of your own branded event center with BigMarker Pro. With a BigMarker Pro account, you get access to advanced features and tools to help you run your business. You can host as many events as you want, customize your event center, earn money from webinars, and more.

How much does BigMarker Pro cost? BigMarker Pro is $49 per month or $25 when paid annually (a savings of $299). Wat zijn de voordelen? With a BigMarker Pro account, you can:host an unlimited number of events in your own event center without the need for an organizer account;

customize the URL for your event center; customize the design for your event center; charge for registration or attendance at events; create private rooms that require registration to join; and access analytics on your events.

15. GetResponse

How to Use GetResponse’s Form Builder GetResponse’s form builder makes it extremely easy to create forms that you can use on your site, or in your email marketing campaigns. You can follow the steps below for guidance on how to use our form builder:

– Go to the Forms tab – Click Create new form- Choose a type of form you want to create (embedded, popup or lightbox) or a template if you need a head start.- You can also select one of our options from the “Use a pre-made template” section.

– After you’ve done that, choose what type of design you want for your template and click Continue. – GetResponse will automatically add some default fields to your form and give it a name. Now, all you need to do is build your form by clicking “Add block” and selecting the type of field you want to add. –

When editing each field, you can choose its settings on the right side of the screen. Here, you’ll be able to change the field’s label, alignment, required status and more. When the form is ready, click Save &close at the top right corner of the screen to finish editing it.


GetResponse comes with all the tools you need to create and deliver your emails, landing pages, webinars, and marketing automation. Here’s a quick overview of what you get when you join GetResponse.

Email Marketing Features GetResponse email marketing software offers everything you need to create, send, track and make money from beautiful emails. Easily create stunning newsletters using our built-in editor packed with features and templates to get you started in minutes.

Drag &Drop Editor Create professional email campaigns in mere minutes with our intuitive drag &drop editor. With over 700 mobile friendly templates to choose from it’s never been easier to create emails that convert.

Email Template Choose from over 700 responsive email templates professionally designed for every industry or create your own using our custom drag &drop editor. Our templates are mobile friendly and tested for high inbox deliverability.

Autoresponders Automatically send the right message at the right time with automated email sequences that are triggered by customer behavior and preferences. From cart abandonment to order confirmation, deliver the best experience possible by sending relevant messages at crucial moments.

A/B Testing A/B split testing helps you optimize your campaign content for maximum engagement and sales conversions. Test subject lines, headlines,


GetResponse Pros and Cons GetResponse offers many features for marketers. In addition to the wide range of email marketing tools, there are also landing page templates and simple survey creation tools.

There aren’t too many negative GetResponse reviews online. While there are some complaints about the price, most users seem happy with this tool and its features. Here’s a breakdown of the pros and cons:

GetResponse Pros Ease of Use:GetResponse is very easy to use. The drag-and-drop email editor is intuitive, even for beginners. The interface makes it easy to design responsive emails without any coding experience.

Automation Tools:GetResponse has an extensive automation suite, which includes drip campaigns, autoresponders, and more. This feature allows you to automate your entire email marketing campaign

A/B Testing:A/B split testing is an effective way to optimize your email marketing campaigns. This feature allows you to test subject lines, CTAs, images and more in order to determine what works best

Landing Pages:GetResponse offers landing pages and popups as well as webinar funnels that allow you to host webinars right within the platfor Affiliate Program:You can earn money by referring others to Get.

16. Adobe Connect

Adobe Connect™ software is a web conferencing solution for virtual meetings, eLearning, and webinars. It’s optimized for installing and running on a Windows computer. Adobe Connect™ software powers complete web conferencing solutions for webinar, online meeting, mobile eLearning, video conferencing and virtual classroom use cases across devices.

Adobe Connect is based on a client-server model that enables users to deliver rich media presentations including high-quality audio and video from either their desktop or through the cloud. Adobe Connect can be used to create information products such as eLearning content, training materials, presentations, sales demos and more.

Adobe Connect includes real-time multimedia capabilities that let you share audio, video, slides (synchronized with audio), chat, and applications. You can also share control over applications from your desktop with anyone in your meeting session by using the “Give Control” button in the sharing pod.

With Adobe Connect you have the option of hosting meetings yourself behind your firewall or directly with Adobe via our secure global infrastructure.


Adobe Connect Features Collaborate in real time Use breakout rooms to divide your group into smaller teams for parallel discussions and activities. Record your sessions Capture the complete training experience and make recordings available on-demand.

Interactive whiteboards Draw, write, annotate, and save whiteboard content and share it with your audience. Video conferencing Meet face-to-face using high-quality video conferencing that supports multiple cameras. Annotate in real time Mark up documents, presentations, and images with a variety of tools — including ink, lines, shapes, commands, and text — while you’re presenting.


Adobe Connect Pros are the go-to experts for all things Adobe Connect. They are a group of vetted and approved individuals and companies that have proven themselves to be experts in providing Adobe Connect services.

Adobe connects pros can help you with:Training and Certification Planning Custom Development Solutions Business Consulting Professional services.

17. WebinarsOnAir

WebinarsOnAir is a great way to meet and talk with like minded people who are interested in similar topics. You can share your expertise with the world and build credibility at the same time. It’s a win-win situation

A Webinar is an online seminar. The word is made up of two parts – web and seminar. So, it’s a seminar that is delivered over the web. Webinars can be used to:give online classes/courses hold meetings present to groups build community create “telesummits” – where you hold a series of interviews with people around a topic.

Webinars are a great way to reach your audience and share your expertise. But many people struggle to get their webinars off the ground. They can be overwhelming, technically complex, and difficult to promote.

We’ve been hosting webinars since 2009 and want to share our experience with you! We’ll show you how to plan, promote, and produce high-quality webinars that don’t require a video team or a marketing budget.

This course will teach you how to:Choose the right webinar platform for you Set up your webinar page for succes Create compelling content Market your webinar effectively Host a flawless event Follow up with attendees.

Functies is a simple, yet powerful webinar platform that allows you to create unlimited live and/or automated webinars for a low monthly price. is built on the Google Hangouts On Air technology which means, it’s rock solid and built to handle tens of thousands of attendees at one time.

You can stream your webinars live on your own website and then instantly download your recording and post it on your site for replay. With WebinarsOnAir, you’ll be able to:Create unlimited live or automated webinars for a low monthly fee

Stream your webinars live on YouTube and automatically download your replays with just one click Embed your live or recorded webinar right on your own website Add up to 10 presenters per broadcast.


In today’s world, it seems like just about everyone has a smartphone. These phones are not only good for calling and texting, but also for surfing the web and socializing on Facebook.

Some phones allow you to even connect to your email account, which is great because you can stay connected on the go.However, there is one more thing that is great about smartphones — they give you a chance to connect with your friends via other means.

While many people use mobile chat apps like WhatsApp, Viber or Skype, Google Hangouts is a great option as well. Google Hangouts can be used on both desktop computers and Android and iOS devices.

The app allows you to send messages and make video calls to anyone with a Google account. You can also create group chats for up to 150 participants, share photos and videos, or even broadcast a video message to up to 10 people at once.

It’s simple to get started with Google Hangouts:All you need is a Gmail account! Once you sign in using your Google username and password, you’ll see a list of all the people who are currently online. Select the person you want to talk to, start chatting or make a call! Hangouts also allows you to send video messages if the person

18. Google Hangouts

Google Hangouts is an online messaging and video chat platform. It’s a very powerful tool, but many users find it overwhelming. Here are few simple answers to questions you might have about getting started with Hangouts

How do I get started? Google Hangouts can be accessed via the web or through mobile apps available for iOS and Android. You can also use the desktop app for Windows and Mac OS X. All of these apps are free to download.

You can sign in to Google Hangouts using your existing Gmail address, or if you’ve got a business account, your work email address. To start a conversation, just click New conversation at the top left of the app’s window, then type in the name or email address of your contact.

If they’re online, you’ll see them listed when you start typing their name. If you’re talking to someone who has more than one email address in their Google account, make sure you’re selecting the correct one from the drop-down menu before clicking Add person.

You’ll also see suggested contacts — this will include people who are already in your chat history. The person you want to chat with doesn’t need to have the same device as you — for example, if you’re on mobile but chatting with


Google Hangouts Features Hangouts are online conversations between two or more people. They can be used for:one-to-one text, audio and video chats group text, audio and video chats sharing your screen with others You can also use Hangouts to make phone calls to anyone in the world.


Google Hangouts is a video chat program owned by Google. It is available as an app for Android and iOS, through browsers, and as a plugin for the Chrome browser. It allows users to communicate via voice, video, or instant messaging over the Internet.

In addition to chatting with an individual contact or group of contacts, you can also join public conversations that are open to everyone. Each conversation or “hangout” can include up to ten participants at a time.

Users can also broadcast their hangouts on YouTube; this feature is called Hangouts On Air. The Pros of Google Hangouts Google Hangouts provides free HD audio and video conferencing via the internet.

This means you don’t need any extra equipment such as microphones or webcams to get started using it. You can also share your screen with other participants in a Hangout, which comes in handy when you want to share a presentation or demonstrate how to do something on your computer.

Here are some additional pros of Google Hangouts:It’s easy to use — just click on a name and invite them into the conversation!

19. Livestream

Livestream is the first and only complete video solution to help you scale your business across live and on-demand video. The Livestream platform offers the most robust, reliable, and customizable solution for companies to broadcast live events and deliver on-demand video experiences.

With Livestream, you can grow your audience, increase revenue, and reduce costs. Use Livestream to build a sustainable audience with pay-per-view or subscription pricing models. Use Livestream to train employees with customized learning experiences that are accessible from any location.

Use Livestream to introduce new products with live webinars and interactive tutorials. Use Livestream to provide support by connecting customers directly with product experts in real time.

Live streaming is a type of online media that has become increasingly popular in the last several years. Live video is the ability to broadcast video content in real time, and is different from pre-recorded videos because it doesn’t require any additional post-production work.

Live streaming offers benefits over more traditional methods of video creation and sharing, such as higher reach and engagement. The advantages of live streaming are particularly relevant for marketers interested in video, but who lack the resources or expertise to create high-quality, edited videos.


Livestream offers several features:

  1. Livestream is a livestream broadcaster that streams events to the Internet simultaneously. Will create an archive of your event for on-demand viewing.
  2. Livestream will transcode your stream into multiple formats and bitrates, so it plays back well on different connections and devices. Livestream will create a web page for your event with video player, chat, social sharing and other features built in.
  3. Livestream will provide you with a custom URL for your event’s web page that can be promoted before and during the event. Livestream provides a “Producer” software application that allows you to bring in third party sources like cameras, computers and videos into the Livestream platform easily.


Livestream Pros is the world’s leading video platform and community for creative professionals. With over 10 years of experience, Pros delivers reliable, high-quality live streaming services to help organizations engage, inform and activate audiences around the world.

Livestream Pros empowers more than 10,000 companies to deliver live and on-demand video to a global audience of unlimited size. Livestream Pros also provides industry leading technology and service that enables our customers to better engage their online audiences through unique, social and interactive experiences such as:

Live chat Shoppable livestreaming Streaming apps for Facebook Live, YouTube Live and other social networks Interactive graphics overlays Video player customization Live stream recording.

20. Zoom

Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, conference, huddle, and training rooms, as well as executive offices and classrooms.

Founded in 2011, Zoom helps businesses and organizations bring their teams together in a frictionless environment to get more done. Zoom is a publicly traded company headquartered in San Jose, CA.

Zoom is a cloud-based video conferencing service you can use to virtually meet with others – either by video or audio-only or both, all while conducting live chats – and it lets you record those sessions to view later. It’s an easy-to-use tool that lets you work together without being in the same room.

You can join Zoom meetings through your desktop, mobile device, or phone.


Zoom is a cloud-based video conferencing service that enables users to connect with others virtually. Zoom can be used for online meetings, webinars, virtual classes and collaboration sessions.

The platform allows users to chat, share files and host video conferences from desktop or mobile devices. Zoom offers three tiers of service:Free:Includes unlimited one-on-one meetings but limits group sessions to 40 minutes and 100 participants.

Pro:Costs $14.99 per month per host and includes unlimited minutes in group sessions (with up to 100 participants) and a larger selection of administrative tools. Business:Costs $19.99 per month per host and includes all Pro features, as well as additional administrative capabilities, such as dedicated phone support and the ability to add custom branding to meeting invitations.


We are excited to introduce you to the ZoomPros. They are a team of people just like you, who are passionate about using products and services to make their lives more enjoyable and productive.

Whether you’re looking for new ways to improve your health, upgrade your home entertainment system or need some great gift ideas, the ZoomPros have got you covered. We hope you enjoy reading their posts and look forward to reading your comments below.

21. AnyMeeting

AnyMeeting is an online meeting and webinar service that allows you to host and attend meetings directly from your computer. AnyMeeting helps businesses increase productivity by eliminating travel costs, saving time, and reducing paperwork.

With AnyMeeting you can conduct a virtual meeting with up to 200 attendees, share your screen, record your meeting, chat with attendees and more. AnyMeeting also provides seamless integration with Google Calendar.

We offer two versions of our services:a free version for basic meetings of up to four people and a premium version with more advanced features for $18 per month AnyMeeting offers simple, affordable web conferencing and webinar solutions for small businesses. AnyMeeting is a feature rich tool that makes it easy to host online meetings, webinars and video conferences.

From the first steps of setting up an account to the final touches before an online meeting, AnyMeeting walks its users through the process step by step. The guidance and support offered by AnyMeeting make its product the ideal choice for small business owners who are looking for an easy-to-use web conferencing solution that is both flexible and affordable.


AnyMeeting features allow you to manage your webinars, conference calls and video conferencing by delivering a unified user experience and integrated tools. Webinar Features To enhance interaction with your audience, AnyMeeting offers the following webinar capabilities:

Live streaming of audio and video from the presenter’s webcam. Presentation streaming to attendees. Polling and Q&A functionality for gathering audience feedback during a presentation.

Screen sharing for showing desktop content to attendees. File sharing so presenters can distribute documents before or during the meeting. Recording capability so webinars can be archived and shared with others who couldn’t attend in person.


Like the free version, AnyMeeting Pros is a fast and easy way to add up to 200 participants to your web conferencing meetings. The Pro version also offers a host of premium features, including:

HD Video Conferencing with up to 6 Webcams Screen Sharing for up to 250 Participants Mobile Apps for iPhone and Android Devices Personal Meeting Room Custom Branded Invitations Custom Branded Sign-in Page Record and Share Your Meetings Toll-Free Audio Conference Calling.

22. Webex

Hey there!

Our team’s having a meeting today, and we’re going to try out Webex for the first time. Can you help me figure out how to use it? I already have a Webex account, which I’ve used several times in the past. However, I’ve always just had a one-on-one meeting with another person, so I’m not sure how to set up a meeting with a larger group of people.

I tried inviting everyone using the “Invite Others” option in my Webex Meetings desktop app, but that only seemed to work for my direct coworkers at this office. All the other people I tried inviting didn’t receive the invite or were able to join the conference.

Do you know if I need to do anything different when inviting external people? Do they need to have their own Webex accounts? What about someone from another company?


Spend less time on travel and more time doing work that matters. Webex delivers the power of always-on collaboration, with the flexibility to work anywhere, anytime, on any device.

Video Conferencing Never miss a thing with group video conferencing for teams of all sizes. Screen Sharing Share your screen for seamless collaboration in real time with anyone, anywhere. Online Meetings Hold unlimited HD video meetings with up to 1,000 participants. Collaboration Platforms.

Work across multiple platforms to connect your team from wherever they are. Business Messaging Get the whole team talking with secure messaging built for business.


Here is the list of Webex Pro:1.Webex Meetings and Teams 2.Webex Calling 3.Webex Device We are a team of Cisco Webex certified experts with years of experience in both the technology and business. Our goal is to provide our customers with the best possible online meeting and collaboration experience.

23. DaCast

DaCast is a self-service, white-label, pay-as-you-go live streaming platform similar to Ustream and Livestream. Users can upload videos and monetize them with advertising and subscriptions. We asked the company for an example of a successful user.

DaCast’s success story:Using DaCast to broadcast a college basketball tournament DaCast’s popularity with high school and university sports teams has been growing in leaps and bounds. One particularly vibrant example is the Seattle University Redhawks’ use of DaCast to broadcast their NCAA Division 1 basketball games.

The team uses DaCast to stream their games over the Internet so that their many fans can follow the action live online. They also use DaCast’s video on demand service to create a library of past games that viewers can watch at any time.

Seattle University’s basketball team is working with DaCast because of its flexibility as well as its ease of use. The Redhawks are able to distribute their streams over multiple channels, including Facebook Live (which they used for the first time this season).

They also have complete control over monetizing their content, using both advertising and subscription services through DaCast. This allows them to maximize revenues from their broadcasts. Making high school and college sports more accessible


Flexible pricing Pay-as-you-go Live streaming in all standard formats (Flash, Windows Media, MPEG‑TS and Apple HLS) Monetization options Advertising support for VAST and VPAID ads Full payment processing with no hidden fees (via Stripe, PayPal and Payoneer Free 30-day trial.


DaCast Pros Broadcaster Broadcast live video and audio to your audience on the web, mobile, and social networks – all from a single online video platform. DaCast makes it easy for broadcasters to reach audiences large and small with high-quality, cost-effective live streaming services.

Subscriber DaCast Subscribers get everything they need from a live streaming platform:monetization options, playback on any device, and more. Plus, our pay-as-you-go pricing means there’s no long-term commitment.

What Is Webinar Software?

Webinar software, also called “web conferencing software,” is a business communications tool that allows you to host an online meeting or presentation from your computer. Webinar software is more feature-rich than video conferencing, which is typically used for casual conversations and scenarios where only two people need to talk.

Webinar software makes it easy to present information to a large number of people remotely, in real time. It’s great for everything from small team meetings to company-wide town halls, and even marketing webinars that offer recorded content and live Q&A sessions.

Video Conferencing vs. Webinar SoftwareAs more companies invest in remote work setups, they need tools that allow their employees to stay connected. Two popular options are video conferencing and webinar software; both offer real-time audio and video connections between multiple users.

However, there are some key differences between the two:Size of the meeting. Video conferencing tools are primarily geared toward making one-on-one connections or hosting small group meetings with up to about 12 people.

Webinar software can host much larger audiences, with hundreds of attendees joining a single call. Host interface. Video conferencing tools are designed to be simple and straightforward.

What Are the Benefits of Webinar Software?

What Are the Benefits of Webinar Software? The world has changed. It’s no longer about the number of people you can reach with a webinar, but rather how well you can reach them. Traditional live webinars are great for capturing dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of attendees, but what happens next?

Do you collect their contact information and follow up with targeted email marketing? Do you nurture leads through the sales funnel with an automated marketing strategy? The possibilities are endless if you have the right tools.

With modern webinar software, you get to choose your own adventure. In addition to traditional live webinars, you gain access to automated webinars and on-demand webinars that address the needs of your audience in ways that feel personal to them. You can create awesome content once and then deliver it in multiple ways to serve different audiences.

Webinar software is meant to simplify your life and make things easier so you can focus more on content creation and less on administrative tasks. By automating some of the more tedious processes associated with hosting a webinar, like email reminders and registration management, you can free yourself up to do more interesting things like interact with your audience during the presentation or work on crafting new marketing campaigns for There are many benefits of using webinar tools to host your event or presentation.

Here are some of the top benefits:

1. Webinar Software is Cost-Effective

Webinar Software is Cost-Effective The most important thing to consider when choosing a webinar software is the cost. The good news is that webinar software is more affordable than ever, and especially so if you are running a small business.

There are actually many free options available for those on a budget. If you have the money to spend, however, then a paid option may be worth it for you. Paid options often offer more features, including:Support for more attendees (some free options limit the number of attendees).

Technical support (helpful when something goes wrong during a live webinar). More choices in terms of customizing your webinar’s look and feel (for example, with logos or branding). So what should you expect to pay? The answer depends on how many people attend each webinar and how often they attend.

This makes it difficult to give an exact price range, but here are some rough estimates:

2. Webinar Platforms Expand Your Audience

Pick a webinar platform that integrates with the tools that you already use. Webinar platforms can help you expand your audience. If you’re like most entrepreneurs, you don’t have the time to learn a dozen new software applications just so you can run a webinar. So when you’re making a selection, look for a platform that integrates with the other apps in your tech stack.

The good news is that most webinar platforms offer some way to integrate with other apps. Some of them will even let you set up custom integrations using an API or by embedding code into your site. You might be able to do this yourself if you have some programming experience, but if not, see if someone on your team can help or hire someone to do it for you.

Here’s why integration is important:Your website, email marketing app and social media tools are all part of the same overall process. When someone signs up for a webinar or watches one of your videos, it’s important for that information to flow seamlessly from one app to another so it doesn’t get lost in transition. Otherwise, the connection between those touchpoints and your sales process gets lost.

Integration makes sure that everyone who should know about these events does know about them

3. Webinar Software Improves Lead Generation

When it comes to generating leads, it is important to know the ways in which you can do this. You want to do everything that you can to make sure that you are able to generate leads for your business or website. There are several different ways that a person can do this.

One way is by using webinar software. This will help a person to be able to use their time on their computer as they would like, while still getting the leads they need What is webinar software? Webinars are programs that allow a person to create a video presentation online.

In order for people to watch these videos, they must have an internet connection and some type of internet browser installed on their computer. Webinars are typically used for marketing purposes, but they can also be used for other things as well.

These types of programs can be used by companies or individuals who want to create presentations for their employees, clients or other individuals who may be interested in what they have to offer..

4. Webinar Platforms Allow Guest Presenters

You already know that webinars are a great way to generate leads and demonstrate your expertise, but did you know they can also help you develop strong relationships with representatives from other companies? A successful webinar is all about creating a presentation that your audience will find informative and engaging, and one way to do this is by inviting guest presenters.

Webinar platforms make it easy for you to invite others to share the stage with you. You can use these platforms to schedule and organize the webinar, send out invitations, and track attendance. With some of the major webinar platforms, you’ll be able to see collected e-mails so you can follow up on interested attendees.

Worried about making sure everyone shows up on time? Some webinar platforms allow guest presenters to log in from remote locations on their own computers. To give your audience the best possible experience, use these tips for working with guest presenters:

5. Webinar Software Helps Build Domain Expertise

Webinar Software Helps Build Domain Expertis Sharing your expertise can set you up as a thought leader, attract new customers and help your company grow. Webinar software from Wistia makes it easy to share what you know with the world.

Webinars are a great way to connect with new audiences and build relationships. But when the idea of talking to a crowd gives you anxiety, it can be hard to get started. Not only does webinar software make it easy for anyone on your team to speak confidently, it also helps you share what you know with new audiences around the world.

With Wistia’s Soapbox webinar software, anyone on your team can record a webinar without needing any prior experience in video production or public speaking. It’s easy to use, and gives you all the tools you need to deliver an engaging webinar without spending hours in front of a camera.

Share your knowledge around the world You don’t have to be a big name brand to get people excited about what you have to say. When people can see that someone is an expert at something they care about, they’ll eagerly sign up for a free webinar that promises actionable tips and takeaways.

How Do You Effectively Use Webinar Software?

Webinar software has been around for years, but only recently has it become mainstream. These days, hundreds of thousands of businesses use webinars to:Host live events that allow attendees to interact with each other and the host in real time.

Run automated webinars (where the content is pre-recorded and the webinar runs on a loop) Webinars are a great way to reach a large audience at once, but there’s still some confusion over how to use them effectively. Here’s what you need to know about using webinar software.

What Is Webinar Software? Webinar software is software that enables you to host online seminars and presentations. It allows you to communicate with your audience (usually via video) and engage with them in real time.

You typically have a number of tools at your disposal, such as the ability to answer questions from attendees via chat or poll the crowd for answers.

1. Use Webinar Software Research Your Audience

Webinars are becoming a staple of the marketing world. They can be great for lead generation, nurturing and educating. But for some B2B marketers, they can also be an intimidating prospect. After all, webinars are a relatively new technology, and it can be hard to know where to start.

The key to running a successful webinar is preparation. It’s important that businesses plan ahead and ensure they have the proper tools and information they need before they send out invites. These five steps will help businesses get ready to host their first webinar:

Use webinar software research your audience Webinar software is the most important tool for hosting a webinar because it allows you to send out invites and capture leads in one place. If you’re not sure which webinar software is right for you, take some time to research different options that can fit your needs and budget

Warm up your audience If you are using email marketing software as part of your lead nurturing process, you can use it to warm up your leads by sending them content that’s relevant to their interests. This way, when it comes time to send out an invite for your first webinar, those who open or engage with your emails the most will be the ones who receive

Webinars are becoming a staple of the marketing world. They can be great for lead generation, nurturing and educating. But for some B2B marketers, they can also be an intimidating prospect. After all, webinars are a relatively new technology, and it can be hard to know where to start.

The key to running a successful webinar is preparation. It’s important that businesses plan ahead and ensure they have the proper tools and information they need before they send out invites. These five steps will help businesses get ready to host their first webinar:Use webinar software research your audience Webinar software is the most important tool for hosting a webinar because it allows you to send out invites and capture leads in one place.

If you’re not sure which webinar software is right for you, take some time to research different options that can fit your needs and budget Warm up your audience If you are using email marketing software as part oyour lead nurturing process, you can use it to warm up your leads by sending them content that’s relevant to their interests.

This way, when it comes time to send out an invite for your first webinar, those who open or engage with your emails the most will be the ones who receive

2. Use Webinar Software Visual Branding

Webinars present a unique opportunity to brand your company with visual branding. Use it wisely! Branding is often confused with logos and slogans, but it’s much more than that. Your brand is the relationship, perception and feeling people have when they interact with your company.

The more consistent you are across all of your marketing channels, the stronger your brand will be. This applies to webinars as well. Your webinar software offers many opportunities for visual branding, from slide backgrounds and headers to virtual event rooms and registration pages. Here’s how to use them to strengthen your company’s brand identity:

Use branded backgrounds in slides The slide background is often overlooked, but it’s one of the easiest ways to brand your webinar content. When creating PowerPoint presentations (or using another presentation software), be sure to include the same background and fonts that you use throughout all of your other marketing materials.

If you don’t have any design assets on hand, use a solid color in a shade that represents your brand — just be sure it doesn’t clash with any photos or graphics you plan on including in the slides. Include a branded header or footer on each slide If you’re presenting slides during your webinar, put a branded header on each of.

3. Use Webinar Software Leverage Analytics

For small business owners juggling a thousand tasks at once, analytics can be a handy tool that they don’t have time to learn. One solution? Let webinar software do the heavy lifting. Hosting a webinar can be as simple as sharing your screen and speaking into a microphone, but for those who want to take their game up a notch, there’s good news:webinar software can analyze participants’ behavior in real time and help you make adjustments to capture their attention and improve conversion rates.

Informative vs. Sales-Focused Webinars The first choice business owners will need to make is whether they’re hosting an informational or sales-focused webinar. This will determine how you measure success and what you need to look for during the event.

For example, if you’re hosting an informational webinar, the potential buyer isn’t expected to convert right away. So instead of trying to sell them something directly, your goal is to build trust and educate them about your products or services. That makes it more difficult to attribute your sales conversions back to the webinar itself.

But if you have a sales-focused event, then your conversion rate should be higher because you’ve given participants all of the information they need to make a decision at the end

4. Use Webinar Software Keep Your Webinar Succinct

Have you attended a webinar that was too long? Would you have minded if it had been shorter? It‘s possible that you and your attendees might have had different opinions about how long the webinar should have been. Some attendees may wish for a longer webinar, but in general people prefer shorter webinars.

You don‘t have to cut out features because of time constraints, though. You can use the available time wisely by recording your presentation with an online meeting and web conferencing software with recording capabilities like Mikogo.

Here are some ways to keep your webinars short and engaging:Keep Your Webinar Succinct Talk About One Topic – If you focus on one main topic, it‘s easier to stay on track, which helps keep the presentation short and focused. It also helps maintain interest among attendees.

They signed up for a certain type of webinar and they want to learn about that one topic. Less Is More – You can always add more content later. Consider creating a series of webinars that build upon each other and tackle more complex topics as the series progresses rather than tackling everything at once.

5. Use Webinar Software Well-Timed Promotions

Webinar Software Well-Timed Promotions Imagine a common scenario:you’re part of an organization that relies on grant funding and government contracts to survive, but your stable of funders is shrinking. The grants you do receive are smaller than in years past and you know it can’t last. You need to start diversifying your funding sources, but how?

Well-timed promotions go a long way toward making that happen. People don’t want to be bothered by a sales pitch when they’re not ready to make a purchase, so don’t solicit them until they’ve made the first move.

Here’s an example. Let’s say you’re a nonprofit executive director and you’re interested in becoming a speaker at conferences and events around the country. You have some ideas about topics, but aren’t sure what people are looking for right now. Wat doe jij? You use Webinar Software well-timed promotions — or in this case, “well-timed” announcements — to build relationships with conference organizers before they even know they need you!

How to get people to attend your webinar

I get asked all the time how to get people to attend your webinar, so I’m going to answer that here. First, let me tell you about my webinar strategy and then we’ll discuss how you can use this information to get people to attend your webinar. I have a multi-pronged approach to getting people to register for my webinars.

I invite them in advance via email, I remind them on social media and then I share the replay with them after the fact. Let’s break that down a little so you can understand each part and then we’ll talk about how you can create an effective webinar strategy for your business.

It’s one of the most frustrating things for a webinar host:You set up the perfect webinar presentation, you have an amazing speaker on board, but no one shows up. So what went wrong? How do you get people to attend your webinar? To answer that question, I interviewed three marketing experts who have experience hosting webinars:

Caitlin Burgess, Content &Community Manager at Buffer; Darius Foroux, founder of Procrastinate Zero and author of The Productivity Blueprint; Kaleigh Moore, freelance writer and founder of Lumen5.

Create your webinar registration page

Creating your webinar registration page is super easy with WebinarJam and EverWebinar. Once you’ve created your webinar using WebinarJam, you’ll then be given the option to create a registration page for it. If you’re using EverWebinar to create an evergreen webinar, you’ll need to set up the registration page separately.

  1. Click on the “create” button that appears after you create your webinar. You can choose from one of our pre-built templates, or make your own from scratch! Customize your page – change the title, add in images, change the text and more! You can also customize the thank you page (that people see after they register).

It’s easy to create a registration page for your webinar. Here’s how to create your webinar registration page:Go to the Webinars Dashboard and click the desired webinar. Click the Registration tab (if it’s not already selected). If you don’t have any registration pages yet, create one:Click Create registration page. Enter a Page name, Description and select a Background image or video. Click Create.

Blast your email list to get them to attend your webinar

The most important thing for you to do is to send a number of emails to your list in the days and weeks leading up to your webinar, reminding them of your upcoming event. – The first one should be sent out at least two weeks before your webinar. This can be as simple as a broadcast message saying “hey I’m doing this thing and I’d love for you to attend”).

– The second email should be sent out one week prior. This should have some specific information about the webinar and what they can expect from it. You could use bullet points or a list if that works well for your audience.

– After that, you’ll want to send out a reminder three days before the webinar, then another one day before and finally one on the morning of the webinar itself. These emails are usually called “reminder emails” in case you want to search the internet for more information on them.

Post a CTA on your website for your webinar

Post a CTA on your website for your webinar People are on your site because they’re interested in what you do. If you’ve got a great upcoming event or webinar, give them a taste of what they can expect and entice them to sign up by adding a simple call-to-action on your website.

If you advertise your webinar just the once it probably won’t get very many signups. You need to constantly remind users that the webinar is coming up and encourage them to register.

Try posting the registration link across different social media channels, in newsletters, and on your website. Make sure you have a CTA on your website to register for the webinar. If you have an email list, let them know about the webinar as well. Monitor registration numbers and analytics to see what’s working and what’s not.

While you’re at it, make sure that your website is easy to navigate with a clean design. Before you start promoting your webinar, make sure your website has been updated with all the correct information about your business.

If you need help building a website for your business, check out our article on how to build a website!

Use the power of social media to promote your webinar

If you are hosting a webinar, chances are it is because you want to spread the word about something — your company, service or product. So while creating a webinar can be a daunting task on its own, actually getting people to attend should be at the top of your to-do list.

One area that many businesses neglect when it comes to promoting their webinars is social media. Webinars are a great way to bring together like-minded individuals in one place to discuss a topic of interest.

Social media is also a great place to do this. As such, they go hand in hand. While you will likely have some type of email list or other means of promoting your webinar, social media is an excellent way to expand your reach and connect with new people who would find your webinar worthwhile.

Here are some tips for using social media to promote your webinar:Create an event page on Facebook:If you’ve created an event page for your webinar, use it! This is the perfect way for people who may be interested in attending the webinar to get updates and ask questions about what the content will cover.

“Pin” the webinar on Twitter:When you pin something on Twitter, it becomes the first thing

Paid social media to promote your webinar

Webinars are a great way to generate leads, build a community and improve your search rankings. But if you don’t have an audience of raving fans, it can be difficult to get people to join your webinar when you’re just starting out.

That’s why you need a promotion strategy that includes paid social media ads. hy Paid Social Media Works for Webinars Social media is an effective way to promote your webinar because it’s where people spend the most time online. In fact, people spend more time on social media than they do watching TV or using their phones.

But getting people to see your posts and click on them is harder than ever, especially for small business owners who don’t have big marketing budgets. That’s where paid social media comes in — instead of relying on organic visibility, you pay to boost your posts so that they reach thousands of potential attendees.

Ask partners to promote your webinar

Webinars are awesome lead magnets. Many companies use them to nurture leads, increase conversions, and boost sales. But getting people to register for your webinar can be a big challenge. You can run paid ads, but that’s not always the best idea:if you don’t have a proven track record, advertising a webinar might result in low conversions and empty seats. A better way to get attendees is through partners.

Partner promotion is the process of asking partners to promote your content to their networks—in exchange for something valuable they’ll receive in return (e.g., access to your webinar audience). It works like this:You reach out to your industry partners and ask them if they would like to promote your webinar to their community in exchange for a free seat at the webinar or exclusive access to the recording.

If they accept, they’ll send an email to their list/promote the webinar on social media/post about it on their blog. In return, you give them a free seat at the webinar or exclusive access to its recording. Your partner gets something of value from you, and you get an influx of new registrants for your event—it’s

  • Webinar Software Frequently Asked Questions

  • Webinar Software Frequently Asked Questions What is webinar software? Webinar software is a communication tool that uses your computer and the Internet to broadcast live or pre-recorded audio and video presentations. Webinars can be used to hold meetings, seminars, product demonstrations, or provide training sessions or lectures. They allow you to connect with your audience in real-time.
  • Where do I get webinar software? There are many webinar software providers available. Many of them offer free trials so you can try before you buy, but there may be some restrictions on the trial accounts that you will want to consider before signing up. For example, some limit the number of participants, the time of the training session, and number of sessions per month.
  • What type of computer do I need for webinars? You can present a webinar using almost any computer as long as it meets the minimum system requirements for the service provider. Most computers manufactured within the last three years will have no trouble running a webinar.
  • You should also make sure that your computer has a microphone and speakers or headphones (for audio), and a webcam (for video). Some services may also require special plug-ins to be installed on your computer.

Why Use Webinar Software?

You’re sitting in front of your computer. The clock is ticking down to the hour, and you’re starting to feel nervous. As the time gets closer, you find yourself wondering whether you’ll be able to answer all the questions that attendees might have.

You wonder if you’ve prepared enough information for them. Sound familiar? If you’ve ever hosted a webinar, the feeling is likely all too familiar — but it’s also one that can be avoided with the right software. Here are some of the reasons why webinar software matters:

The right software can help you build a better presentation The right webinar software gives you access to features that make it easier to create a better presentation. Look for features like screen sharing, which lets attendees see what you’re doing in real time, as well as whiteboards and annotation tools that let you take notes on top of your presentation and share them with attendees.

Good webinar software can also help presenters stay on track by keeping presentations organized into distinct slides and including note-taking tools that keep presenters from losing their train of thought in the middle of a presentation.

What Are Webinars Good For?

What Are Webinars Good For? Webinars have a variety of uses, but they’re especially valuable in the following scenarios:

* Demonstrating a product:If you have an internet-based product like an ecommerce site or SaaS tool, it’s easy to show it off to potential customers with a webinar. Your participants can even give you feedback while they’re on the call with you, making it a convenient way to gather information.

* Showing off your expertise:If you have knowledge that others find valuable, webinars are an excellent way to share that knowledge, whether you’re giving advice like a consultant or teaching people new skills. Businesses often use webinars for training purposes, for example.

* Explaining difficult concepts:Webinars can be a great way to explain complex concepts like financial planning or medical advice. You can show documents and spreadsheets as well as speak about them, which makes it easier for your audience to follow along.

How Do I Choose A Great Webinar Software?

The way to choose a great webinar software is by trying to figure out what you want from it and what you want your attendees to get from it. There are so many webinar software options out there, that it can be overwhelming for many.

I’ve tried just about every one of them so I can tell you that most of them offer the same thing, just with a different look and feel. Let’s set the bar on your decision making process. The way I see it, there are two different types of webinars you can run:live or evergreen.

Live webinars are real-time events where you present the content to an audience at a specific time of day. Evergreen webinars are pre-recorded videos scheduled to play at specific times and dates or on demand (any time the user requests).

There are pros and cons to each type of webinar, but they both can help you grow your business depending on your goals. Here is how I break down the pros of each:Live Webinars Pros More engagement – You get to speak directly with people watching the webinar in real time. You can answer their questions as they come up or even have them ask questions throughout the event in order to keep everyone engaged

What Is A Webinar Platform?

A webinar platform is a tool that helps you run and host webinars. Webinar platforms help you create webinars, run them live, and record them. They also allow you to do many other things like setting up registrations pages, sending out reminder emails, and hosting your video files.

When choosing a webinar platform, it’s important to know what you need from it. If your goal is to host a one-off webinar for only a few people, then almost every platform will work for you. However, if you are planning on consistently running webinars with thousands of attendees or making money from selling tickets to your events, then you’ll want to make sure the platform can support those needs.

The best webinar platforms offer features that make it easy for you to run a successful event without getting overwhelmed.

How Do I Choose A Webinar Platform?

Which webinar platform is right for my business? We get it. You want to know if you are making the right choice, but you don’t want to spend hours researching each of your options. That’s where we come in. Webinar platforms, like all tools, are not one-size-fits-all.

You need to consider your own unique needs and preferences when selecting the right option for you. For example, if your team is used to using Zoom for video conferencing, you might want to choose a webinar platform that integrates with Zoom (like Crowdcast).

Or if you plan on offering a series of webinars, perhaps an all-in-one solution like WebinarJam would work better for you. In this guide, we will cover five of the most popular webinar platforms so that you can make an informed decision about which one is best for YOU!

How Much Do Webinar Platforms Cost?

While webinars are a powerful tool for any business, they can be intimidating to set up. Here’s how to get started and keep your costs low. How much do webinar platforms cost?

Webinar platforms host and run your events, so you can focus on your content.The good news is that webinars are easy to set up and don’t have to cost a lot. In fact, the majority of webinar platforms offer free trials so you can test them out before deciding which is best for you.

In this post, we’ll look at some of the factors that affect the cost of running a webinar and what to expect from a variety of webinar platforms. Webinars, or online seminars, are a great way to promote your brand, educate your customers and even sell products or services. But how much do webinar platforms cost?

The short answer is:it depends. Webinar platforms vary in price based on what you need — the number of attendees, how many events you’ll host, whether you want to record them, etc. Here’s a breakdown of what to expec

Best Webinar Software Platforms – Wrap Up

So, what is the best webinar software platform? There’s no simple answer to this question as it depends on your goals and needs. Webinars are a great way to build trust with your audience and generate sales. They are effective tools for B2B and B2C companies alike.

If you’re in the early stages of creating content and want a platform that’s affordable, easy to use and can help you create high-quality video, GoToWebinar is the best webinar software for you. It’s also one of the most affordable options out there with prices starting at $89/month (if billed annually).

If you’re looking for a platform that is specifically designed for marketers using webinars to generate leads and grow their email list, Livestorm is the best webinar software for you. It offers an advanced integration with HubSpot and has prices starting at $29/month (if billed annually).

If you’re looking for a webinar platform that includes powerful marketing automation features, Demio is the best choice for you. Its prices start at $49/month (if billed annually).

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