Als het gaat om het online publiceren van video-inhoud, is YouTube zeker het populairste platform. In feite is YouTube nu synoniem voor internetvideo. Als je al een plan hebt om je eigen kanaal te maken, dan is het zinvol om snel en gratis te leren hoe je een YouTube-video maakt. Als u echter van plan bent een YouTuber te worden, moet u misschien internetveiligheid serieus gaan nemen. Het lezen van norton VPN-beoordelingen kan ertoe leiden dat u ervoor kiest om in de toekomst een VPN te gebruiken.
Betekent dit nu dat het een gecompliceerd en tijdrovend proces gaat worden? Absoluut niet! We behandelen alle basisprincipes en voorzien je van alle essentiële informatie die je nodig hebt om je beste YouTube-video te maken.
Van planning tot creatie en bewerking, we hebben alles voor je. We beloven dat je aan het einde van deze blog binnen een paar minuten een YouTube-video kunt maken.
Laten we aan de slag gaan.
Een YouTube-video online maken
Log in op Als je je nog niet hebt aangemeld, registreer je dan gratis. Klik op Nieuw project vanaf de startpagina.
Selecteer YouTube uit de lijst met weergegeven videoformaten. Plaats de muisaanwijzer erop en klik op Maken .

Nadat u het videoformaat heeft gekozen, wordt u doorgestuurd naar een pagina met een optie om uw gemaakte video te uploaden of te kiezen uit de stockmediabibliotheek.

Het importproces begint, wat enkele seconden tot minuten kan duren, afhankelijk van de grootte van de video. Zodra dat is gebeurd, klikt u op Beginnen met bewerken knop aan de rechterkant.
Je wordt doorgestuurd naar het dashboard van Typito met de geüploade video in het YouTube-videoformaat (of afmetingen) dat je hebt gekozen.
Aan de linkerkant ziet u 5 verschillende tabbladen om met uw YouTube-video te spelen, waaronder:
Maak een YouTube-intro voor je video:

Trek je publiek aan en maak van hen loyale abonnees met een indrukwekkende intro en kleurrijke tekst.
Een goede intro bepaalt niet alleen het ritme van je YouTube-video's, maar zorgt er ook voor dat ze super boeiend zijn.
U hebt geen ingewikkeld gereedschap nodig om dit werk voor u te doen. Gelukkig heeft Typito dit gedekt. In feite is het toevoegen van je kanaalnaam aan de intro met Typito eenvoudig, snel en vriendelijk.

Het enige wat u hoeft te doen is:
- Titles to add to the beginning if your Youtube Video
- Social Media Text Templates

- Lower Third Caption Templates
- Branded Templates that let you add a logo to your video
- In order to use any of these templates, all you have to do is click and it gets added to your video. The applied text template can then be dragged wherever you want to place it on the video.
If you're still not sure of how to add your channel name creatively in the intro, try one of our predefined intro templates and pick your favorite. From creating animated channel names to adding your animated logo, you can play around and see what looks great for the content you create.
2. Add Images overlays to your Youtube video
Whether you want to add an image overlay to the middle of your clip, add a logo to the video, or probably, just want to add some shapes, Typito's "image" feature is all you need.

- Once you have uploaded your logo, icon, or image, click once on it to insert it to the video workspace.
Wish to create or add your YouTube channel logo or name through shapes or icons? Perhaps, highlight your logo inside a nice shape? Then, just browse the shapes or icons category to create a logo or overlays.
3. Add Audio to your Youtube Video
Undeniably, videos with a good sound have a higher chance of capturing attention and increasing engagement from viewers. The scenario is especially true if you don't have any text captions on it, or may not have any captivating visuals.
For videos that are simple, a right track may just be the differentiator that can hook attention-right from the intro to the outro. With a few rhythms and beats, you can easily trigger as well as amplify emotions for your brand.
Adding audio or music to your video is pretty simple with Typito. Here's what you need to do:

- The "Library " option features an inbuilt music library with more than 150 tracks, organized based on genres and mood. Click on the "Add " button to add the music to your YouTube video.
- The "Upload " option lets you upload your own music from your local drive.
- Once you hit the "add" button, you'll quickly get a pop-up, which lets you trim the audio via a draggable slider and use the specific audio portion to your video.

- Once you add the music, you can change the volume of the music and background anytime.

4. Add Subtitles to your Youtube Video
Adding captions and subtitles to your video is pretty straightforward with Typito. This is where the "Captions" feature comes in handy. All you have to do is:

The tool then lets you add content for the captions in 3 ways:
Watch this YouTube Video to learn how to add captions
Pro Tip: To give that "extra" push and get your audience to explore your other social media handles or to press the subscribe button, a good outro is what you need. Browse through some of our predefined motion graphics outro templates and choose one that goes with your video design and start editing it on the dashboard.

Once you have played around with all the features to edit and perfect your video, the only thing that's left is to download your YouTube video.

- The export process begins and may take from a few seconds to minutes, depending on your video size.

Once that's complete, your YouTube video is ready to be:

Now that you have learned how to make a YouTube video online, it's time to get started. But before that, follow these tips to ensure you create things professionally.
Equipment You Need to Shoot Good Videos for YouTube
Creating good-quality videos isn't as simple as it seems. Fortunately, you don't need extensive technical know-how to produce the type of content which people will love watching-all you need is the right equipment.
Of course, you can create vlogs with minimal equipment but that was a decade ago. Things have changed since then and quality standards have evolved.
Speaking of revenues in the current scenario, a good YouTube channel has the potential to generate millions per year. Also, YouTubers competing at such levels spend decent money to create professional-looking results. If you are short on cash, make use of your credit card. In case you do not have one, consider checking online personal finance companies like SoFi ( that provide no-annual-fee credit cards. Make your purchase from a popular brand that has ties with your card company to redeem credit points. Also, try not to invest in cheap equipment, it may not give you the desired results.
As a beginner, it's important to put a little effort into your video's visual quality to make sure that you keep things engaging and increase the chances of gaining subscribers.
Most established YouTubers utilize different video production equipment (a few even hire professional camera operators and video editors) to produce high-quality videos-but you don't really have to go that far.
Having said that here's a clear list of basic equipment required for video production:
1. Camera
The most vital piece of equipment to have is a camera. However, before heading to the shop, understand that you don't really have to buy an expensive DSLR-interestingly, you can use anything that can record a high-quality (minimum 1080p) video. For example, you may look online for the best mirrorless camera under 1000 dollars and start with that, then progress as you gain experience with cameras.

Quality webcams or camcorders would be enough if you are just beginning, but mirrorless cameras and DSLRs are an ideal investment when you are all set to upgrade. Keep in mind that the type of camera you buy highly depends on what type of video content you desire to create.
When it comes to camera, here are the following types you can use to shoot videos:
2. External Microphones
Keep in mind that the quality of the audio has to complement the video. Even if you shoot the HD cinema 4K video, you will still have trouble keeping the viewers engaged if your audio is bad.

Usually, inbuilt cameras or laptop microphones have poor audio quality because they can't effectively record or remove ambient sounds. Therefore, the next most crucial tool for making a Youtube video is a microphone.
But before you head to buy one, know that there are different types of microphones available in the market. So make sure to buy the one for your needs.
3. Gimbal Stabilizers and Tripods
When it comes to professional video making, shaky footage is a big no, as it distracts your viewers and makes them dizzy. That's where the use of Gimbal Stabilizers and Tripods comes in handy. They are great tools to stabilize your videos and photos.

Let's understand both of these equipment a little:
4. Lighting
Lighting is yet another essential piece of equipment if you are someone who primarily records indoors or in dim-lit areas. If you are shooting where there is ambient light, good lighting equipment helps modify the overall mood and evens out the entire brightness of the video setup.

You will find a plenty of lighting equipment in the market and here are a few types of make use of, based on what you are filming:
Now that you know how to make a YouTube video, you're all set to get started. But before you do that, pay attention to your lighting. For a beginner, besides paying attention to quality content, the right lighting makes all the difference. That doesn't mean you have to invest in heavy equipment. No.
Just try to shoot near a window where there's an ample amount of natural light shining right onto your face. If not, you can even invest in an inexpensive ring light. That should do the trick in creating a professional YouTube video. Then, for beautifying it, leave it to "Typito."