Na alle tijd, planning en overweging die erin zijn gestoken, is je video eindelijk klaar. Nu is het tijd om het aan de wereld te laten zien! U kunt de video natuurlijk uploaden naar uw website , maar het is verre van de beste beslissing.
Videobestanden kunnen vaak wel honderden MB groot zijn, en als u ze rechtstreeks naar de website uploadt, zal er opslagruimte en bandbreedte nodig zijn. Het zorgt ook voor een slechte gebruikerservaring – de snelheid van de website vertraagt en het afspelen verloopt niet soepel. U moet ook rekening houden met het aantal browsers en apparaten dat uw doelgroep vormt zal de video bekijken en uw video voor elk optimaliseren. Anders valt een groot deel van het potentiële publiek buiten de boot. Als dit klinkt als hoofdpijn, is dat omdat het zo is.
Dit is waar video-hostingwebsites komen helpen. Dit zijn platforms die gespecialiseerd zijn in het bieden van ruimte om je video's te uploaden en ze vervolgens op verschillende sites te delen. Deze platforms worden geleverd met snelle spelers en kunnen de video's optimaliseren voor verschillende apparaten. Het proces is niet alleen eenvoudiger, het werkt ook beter – een win-win situatie!
De enige resterende vraag is hoe u het juiste platform kiest. Om u te helpen bij het vinden van de juiste video-hostingwebsite voor uw bedrijf, gaan we in dit artikel kijken naar onze selectie van de beste video-hostingsites voor 2022.
YouTube is een populaire video-hostingsite die geen introductie behoeft. Vanaf 2005 wordt het vaak genoemd als de drijvende kracht achter de opkomst van online video-inhoud.
Tegenwoordig, met bijna 2 miljard actieve maandelijkse bezoekers, heet dit videoplatform YouTube is het hostingplatform bij uitstek voor veel bedrijven.

Gratis en onbeperkte video's – Video's uploaden naar het platform is gratis voor alle gebruikers en er zijn geen limieten aan het aantal video's dat je kunt uploaden. De videoduur en bestandsgrootte zijn echter beperkt:niet-geverifieerde gebruikers kunnen alleen video's van maximaal 15 minuten uploaden. Voor geverifieerde gebruikers is het 12 uur. De maximaal toegestane bestandsgrootte is 128 GB.
Analytics-tools – Basistools voor videoanalyse zijn beschikbaar op de platforms, zodat u de prestaties van uw video's kunt volgen. Hoewel de tools verre van geavanceerd zijn, is dit een geweldige toevoeging gezien het feit dat het video-hostingplatform gratis is.
Groot bereik en kijkerspubliek, SEO-tools zijn beschikbaar – Elke maand 6 miljard uur aan video bekeken op het platform. Bij Google horen helpt ook:video's die op YouTube worden gehost, krijgen de beste posities in zoekmachines. Elk ander platform kan nu overeenkomen met het aantal kijkers en het bereik van YouTube.
Eenvoudig insluiten – Het insluiten van de video op uw website is ook erg handig als u uw video op YouTube host. Kopieer gewoon de insluitcode en gebruik deze om de video op uw website in te sluiten.

Dat gezegd hebbende, als je je kijkerspubliek wilt maximaliseren, is YouTube de perfecte hostingsite. Als het echter uw doel is om de aandacht van de kijker op uw website of product te vestigen, is YouTube misschien niet de beste keuze. De eerste reden zijn de advertenties:die verschijnen zowel aan het begin als tijdens de video en kunnen de kijker afleiden van je boodschap. De tweede reden zijn de gepersonaliseerde suggesties die YouTube aan het einde van de video laat zien.

Dit kan mogelijk ook de aandacht van uw product afleiden en zelfs de kijkers ertoe aanzetten uw website te verlaten.
YouTube is gratis voor alle videomakers. YouTube heeft zijn eigen streamingdienst YouTube Premium, beschikbaar voor $ 12/maand. Het komt echter alleen de kijkers ten goede.
Vimeo like YouTube is not only a video hosting platform but also a social network of sorts. The main difference is the audience:Vimeo is branded to be more professional. While it cannot yet compete with YouTube when it comes to viewership, it has a large community of 90 million creatives. This existing audience makes Vimeo a suitable place for reaching a broad audience.

Vimeo Features
Higher video quality – Vimeo has been around since 2004 but became known in 2007 because of the high quality of hosted videos. The encoding techniques of the platform allow for compression on a higher bitrate. As a result, the uploaded video content looks sharper and brighter.
Ad-free – The platform doesn’t run ads on videos, which means the viewers can watch a high-quality video for free, without interruptions, and ad-free.
Replacing the videos- The platform has a very convenient option of replacing the videos. You can remove the old video and add a new one instead of it without losing the views and comments.
Advanced sharing settings – This video hosting platform offers a variety of sharing settings, depending on who you want your video to be available for. You can add collaborators to the project, and set different privacy settings for each of them. An option to password-protect your video is also available.
Analytics tools available – Depending on your plan, access the analytics of your videos to see how they are performing.
Embedding options – Each video has a unique embed code you can use to add the video to your website. In the player, users will be allowed to change the volume and quality of the video, and make it full screen.

Vimeo Plans
Vimeo Basic – This free plan comes with a 500 MB upload limit a week, with a total of 5 GB storage for your account. The plan also allows up to 10 uploads a day.
Paid Plans – The platform comes with four paid plans, suitable for varying needs. Plans start at $84/year and go up depending on the storage space, analytics levels, and the number of collaborators.

If you are looking for a hosting platform dedicated to business, Vidyard is one of the best options to turn to. It offers premium content marketing tools for sales and marketing professionals, and for solving corporate communication problems.

Vidyard Features
Unlimited video hosting – This video hosting platform offers unlimited video hosting, without any constraints on the video duration and file size. 4K videos are also supported.
Analytics tools – Premium analytics tools are available for marketers and sales specialists. Vidyard offers insights on video performance over time, as well as details on who your audience is.
Video optimization – Vidyard also offers tools for optimizing the video content for search engines, A/B testing the thumbnail, and add buttons or links to the video for maximum results.
Ad-free video hosting – The platform gets its revenue from subscription plans and doesn’t run any ads on the videos.
Simple embedding – To embed a video on your website, copy the video embed code and add it to the HTML of the website.
Vidyard Plans
Free – Marketing and Sales categories both have a free plan available. You can use it to record an unlimited number of videos. However, you can only embed or share only five videos under the free plan. It also comes with a Vidyard watermark.
Paid – Depending on if you are looking for a solution for your marketing or sales needs, or for corporate communication, Vidyard offers a variety of packages. The prices start at $180/year with the Pro package and go up from there, which makes Vidyard a costly tool to afford.

Vidyard is a great option for marketers and sales specialists looking for more efficient ways to use videos in their strategies. Because of its price, however, the platform may be available only to medium or large businesses.
Wistia is another video hosting platform for catering business marketing and sales needs. The platform comes with powerful customization tools to cater to the clients’ needs as best as possible.

Wistia Features
Analytics – Being a hosting service for businesses and marketing specialists, Wistia offers powerful analytics tools to check the performance of your content, as well as learn valuable insights on your audience. Detailed information on the play and engagement rates are available.
Wistia Channels – This is the feature that sets Wistia apart from its competitors. With Wistia Channels, you can add not only videos but entire playlists to your website, providing a TV-quality experience. This is an especially valuable feature for businesses that create video series.
Marketing Tools – Apart from SEO, Wistia offers an opportunity to retarget your viewers through Facebook, Instagram, and Google. In addition to that, viewers can subscribe to Wistia Channels. While this is similar to subscribers on YouTube or Vimeo, on Wistia, you own their email addresses and can sync with your CRM.
Ad-free – As some of the other platforms on this list, Wistia doesn’t run ads on the videos.
Collaboration – Invite team members to work on the project, give specific access to each team member. You can work on the project in real-time, commenting, or adding feedback.
Embedding – As with other hosting platforms, copy the embed code from Wistia and add it to your website code. With the video replace option the platform offers, if you replace your video, the embedding code will not change, and the new video will appear on your website instantly.
Wistia Plans
Free – The free plan comes with all the standard features like a fully customizable player, embedding, and interactive video tools. You can upload up to 3 videos. The Wistia branding will appear on the player.
Paid – In addition to the free plan, Wistia offers two paid plans – Pro and Advanced. Pro plan costs $99/month. The plan allows users to upload and embed ten videos. After this limit, each additional video will cost 25¢ per month. The pricing of the Advanced package is not mentioned – you will need to contact the company for additional information.

Wistia is a powerful hosting platform businesses can leverage to boost their video marketing efforts. However, the pricing and offered packages make Wistia quite a costly tool to afford.
Sprout Video
SproutVideo is another hosting platform great for businesses that want to skip “crowded” platforms such as YouTube and Vimeo. A private hosting service without an existing audience, SproutVideo is the alternative to Wistia and Vidyard.

SproutVideo Features
Protection – Password-protect your videos, set up a geo-restriction, block IPs, or even restrict embedding – the platform comes with large safety tools.
Marketing tools – The platform also offers a large selection of marketing tools such as marketing integration, SEO tools, and social sharing.
Analytics – Detailed analytics on total views and impressions, device types, domains, unique viewers are available.
Playlists – You can collect the videos into playlists, organize the playback order, and choose from the layout options to customize the player look. Embed the playlists into your website or blog by using the embed code.
SproutVideo Plans
SproutVideo doesn’t have a free plan, but it offers a 30-day free trial. Later, you can upgrade to any of the four available plans, by comparing the functionalities.

The most affordable plan starts at $24.99/month, which makes SproutVideo a more cost-efficient alternative to Wistia.
Brightcove is an established name in video hosting. However, it is different from the other platforms in the list, as it specializes in providing tools for video monetization.

Brightcove Features
Fast and reliable video player – The platform claims to have the fastest HTML5 player available, making it possible to deliver the videos on every device without sacrificing speed and quality.
Advertising – Easy-to-use ad integration tools allow the users to insert ads into your videos across platforms, while bypassing ad blockers, to maximize your revenue.
Analytics – The platform comes with premium quality analytics tools that give you insights into viewer behavior and the effectiveness of your content.
Social Media Integration – You can use Brightcove to post videos on social channels such as Twitter and Facebook, and access the video analytics right on the platform.
Live-Streaming – Brightcove offers extensive tool options for live-streaming through the platform’s high-speed player. Live streams can also be monetized through the seamless integration of ads into the streams.
Brightcove Plans
While the website doesn’t mention any pricing information, the offered plans are broken down into three categories:Marketing, Enterprise Communications, and Monetization.

The specifications of each plan are described in detail, and you are welcome to contact their sales team for pricing details.
Cincopa is a video hosting service specialized in providing video hosting and analytics tools for businesses, websites, and digital agencies. The company offers a large selection of premium content marketing tools brands can use to reach their marketing goals.

Cincopa Features
Customizable HTML5 player – The platform comes with a selection of player templates, from which you can pick the one matching your needs most.
SEO-friendly embedding – Easily embed the videos hosted on Cincopa to your website by using the unique code of your video.
Ad-free video hosting – Because of the subscription-based business model, the platform doesn’t run ads on videos, allowing the viewers to watch your videos without interruptions.
Analytics tools – Advanced analytics tools let you get valuable insights about the performance of your videos.
Security and protection – With the security tools offered by the platform, you can password-protect your videos, block IPs, and restrict unwanted domains.
Cincopa Plans
Cincopa doesn’t offer a free plan. However, it does offer a 14-day free trial during which you can test the main functionalities of the website, and then choose a subscription plan based on your needs.

Instead, there are four paid plans available, each offering different functionalities. Prices range from $9/month for the “Startup” plan and going up to $350 for the “Agency” plan which makes Cincopa a hosting site for businesses with different budgets.
This one may come as a surprise, but the rise of video content in recent years did not bypass social platforms. More and more businesses turn to video content on Facebook to reach and attract new audiences.

Facebook Video Features
Unlimited videos – The platform allows users to upload an unlimited number of videos daily. Each video can be up to 4 hours long, and the maximum allowed file size is 10 GB.
Large audience – With 2.6 billion monthly active users, Facebook is the largest social platform in the world. This makes Facebook another great hosting platform if you are looking for maximum reach.
Analytics tools – Facebook Creator Studio offers analytics for each video, as well as data on total views, retention, and engagement rates.
Simple embedding – Embed the videos hosted on Facebook simply by grabbing the embed code and adding it to your website.

Facebook Plans
Uploading and hosting your videos on Facebook is free of charge.
For those who don’t look for very advanced tools, want to gather all their online activity in one place, and drive some additional traffic to their social channels, Facebook can be a great hosting site. However, it comes with its share of downsides, such as reduced video quality, ads running during the videos, and the suggested videos in the end.
Vdocipher is one of the first video hosting solutions that pop up in discussion when video security is a prime concern. VdoCipher with its video hosting platform helps e-learning &media businesses to host and stream their content on the website/app in the most secure and smooth manner. If you are a business owner looking to monetize your video content, VdoCipher is the ideal video hosting solution for you. VdoCipher aims to protect revenue losses against video piracy with its secure video hosting solution. VdoCipher has made it at the top of the list of the leading video hosting solutions in 2022.
VdoCipher Features
DRM technology – Encrypted video streaming
Dynamic watermarking for tracing the original video source
Multi-device HTML5 player
Offers a comprehensive Dashboard, intricate analytics, and helpful plugins
30-day free trial (no card details required)
To sum up, there is no shortage of options when it comes to video hosting platforms. However, before choosing the hosting platform for your videos, you need to be clear on what your goals and needs are.
This article covered the main features and pricing points of our pick for the eight best video hosting platforms for 2022. Each of these platforms caters to different needs, and you are by no means restricted only to one! Experiment with the tools, dive into the features, and choose those fitting your business needs best.
And if you are having any trouble with creating your first video, you can explore some of the video templates available on Renderforest. Browse through our large template library, choose the one you like the most, and start creating today.